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Permanent residence in Belgium

Permanent residence in Belgium

Permanent residence in Belgium: features of the status, rules and methods of registration, nuances of the procedure in 2024

Permanent residence in Belgium is issued to foreigners who have a documentary right to permanently reside in the state. You can claim the status after 5 years after the move and the opening of the primary residence permit of the immigration type. It will be necessary to fulfill the accompanying conditions, for example, to take out health insurance and demonstrate financial solvency. The Kingdom of Belgium is a member of the European Union, so the local document is a permanent residence permit of the EU standard, it gives the owner the corresponding rights and privileges throughout the territory of the association.

Moving to Belgium attracts the possibility of living in a highly developed country in Western Europe, which is part of the EU, WTO, NATO, Schengen zone. After obtaining the status of permanent resident immigrant can be officially employed in the kingdom, count on free prestigious education and social support, register and develop business at the international level. The holder of a permanent residence card also gets the right to apply for EU citizenship if he or she meets the accompanying requirements for the applicant.

The easiest way to legalize a stay in Belgium is with a passport of another EU country. In the EU states there are simplified programs of citizenship registration in the period from 4 months. You can get detailed information from a migration specialist.

What gives the status of permanent residence in Belgium?

Obtaining a Belgian permanent residence permit opens access to such opportunities and privileges:

  • permanent residence in the kingdom without re-registration of status and additional conditions;
  • the ability to leave the country and return without quantitative restrictions on border crossing and opening an entry permit;
  • freedom of movement within the European Union and Schengen area without a visa;
  •  the right to move to another EU country (except Ireland and Denmark) for a period exceeding three months to work, study or do business;
  • the possibility of temporary resident status for spouses and children;
  • medical insurance policy at reduced rates and service with it in the best clinics in Europe without additional payments;
  • opening bank accounts with access to international transfers, credit lines and mortgage loans;
  • the possibility of registering a commercial enterprise, free provision of goods and services in the Single European Market;
  • access to a modern education system, including free education for children;
  • the prospect of subsequently obtaining a national passport and the status of a citizen of the European Union

Ways to immigrate to Belgium

To move to Belgium for permanent residence, you must first obtain a temporary resident card. It is necessary to obtain a residence permit of the immigration type, which can be extended an unlimited number of times. Obtaining the status of permanent resident will be available after five years after moving (provided the absence in the state no more than six months in a row, or up to 10 months in total for the entire period). Belgian residence permit with the right to immigrate can be issued on the following grounds:

  • EU citizenship

Passport holders of any EU country have the right to move to Belgium for permanent residence. A migrant only needs to prove that he/she has enough money to live in the Kingdom without applying for social support, or that he/she plans to receive income upon arrival (e.g., by concluding an employment contract with a local company or starting his/her own business). Seeking a basis for opening a residence permit is not required in this case.

  • Employment

Immigration to Belgium is available to those who enter into a long-term (more than three months) contract with a local employer. Usually, in order to recruit staff from abroad, the company has to prove that there are no native applicants for the vacancy. The applicant may be required to provide a diploma in a specialty or proof of proper experience. Highly qualified specialists can count on simplified immigration with the EU Blue Card, provided that their salary is from 5000-5500 EUR per month (depending on the region).

  • Study

A residence permit in Belgium is granted to foreign students who are enrolled in local colleges, academies, universities, or are enrolled in professional/language courses. This type of residence permit only counts halfway towards the residence period for obtaining a permanent residence permit. A student permit does not entitle the student to apply for permanent residence status, but the student may, after obtaining a diploma, re-issue a residence permit on another basis, for example to find a job or start a business.

  • Commercial activities

Moving to Belgium for permanent residence is available to foreign businessmen who register a company in the kingdom and prove its economic prospects. On average, the starting authorized capital of a company should be from 21 000 EUR, depending on the region of the kingdom. The enterprise must provide new jobs for the residents of the country. Startup founders whose business plan is recognized as innovative and supported by financially licensed business incubators or gas pedals in the Kingdom can also immigrate.

  • Self-employment

Representatives of free and creative professions who do not have a direct employer but who carry out activities that are beneficial to the Kingdom can move to Belgium. Examples are internationally recognized coaches, athletes, artists, theater and film actors, and painters. The planned work of the self-employed person must be promising for Belgium, such as representing the country abroad. The immigrant's experience and education must be documented.

  • Reunification with family members

Spouses and children of local citizens or residents have the opportunity to move to Belgium permanently. The receiving party must have enough finances to support the invited relatives (the average figure is from 1000 EUR per person) and provide living space for accommodation. Belgian citizens can also request reunification with their parents and grandchildren. As an exception, relocation is possible for other relatives of local residents, such as those in need of permanent care.

  • Applying for refugee status

One of the less popular but possible options for moving to Belgium is to apply for refugee status. Refugee protection can be sought by those who can prove that their lives are threatened in their home country due to unjustified persecution, for example because of their membership of the LGBT community or a national minority. Refugee status is not granted to every applicant: it requires substantial evidence of the impossibility of living in one's own country, as well as an explanation of why the application is being made in Belgium.

  • Other means of immigration

Emigration from abroad to Belgium is possible within the framework of intra-corporate transfer, as a researcher, as a minister of an accredited church organization, on medical regularization (if the applicant has a serious illness and cannot be treated in his/her home country). These are uncommon ways of relocation that are suitable for a limited number of foreigners. In any case, the purpose of immigration must be documented.

Requirements for the applicant for permanent residence and conditions for relocation

The main condition for immigration to Belgium for permanent residence is the presence of a reason for a long stay, which is regulated by the law “On entry into the territory, residence, settlement and expulsion of foreigners”. The applicant will need to keep the reason for being in the kingdom for at least 5 years and with it regularly renew the residence permit, until it is possible to request a permanent residence permit. Also, an applicant for a permanent resident card must meet the following requirements:

  • having a stable and legal income of 1007 EUR per month, with an additional 336 EUR for each dependent, e.g. a minor child (the amounts are for 2024);
  • issuance of a policy with a licensed Belgian health insurance fund for yourself and family members;
  • respecting public order and not posing a threat to national security throughout the period of residence in the Kingdom;
  • agreeing to undergo statutory procedures (e.g., fingerprinting) and preparing documents to participate in the migration process.

It is quicker and easier to immigrate to Belgium as a European Union citizen with no additional conditions to open a residence card. It is possible to obtain a second passport of an EU country without prior residence, passing a language exam and proving financial security with the help of specialized lawyers.

How to relocate to Belgium for a permanent residence

To immigrate to Belgium permanently, you need to do the following:

  1. Determining how to move and preparing your documents.

This stage includes finding the basis for immigration, collecting the dossier and opening a residence permit (if necessary - also a national visa) through the Belgian diplomatic mission in the territory of the country of residence.

  1. Relocation and registration of residence.

After obtaining the right of temporary residence in Belgium, you can move, register your place of residence in the municipality of the region, and then - request a residence card at the Department of Immigration.

  1. Residence with a residence permit and renewal of the document.

Usually, the residence permit of immigration type is issued for 12 months with the right to re-issue. It is possible to obtain a renewed residence permit by personal application to the Department of Immigration.

  1. Registration of permanent residence permit.

You can apply for a permanent residence card after 5 years of residence with a residence permit by personal application to the municipality of your place of residence. The decision is made by the Department of Immigration. If approved, a permanent residence card is issued with a validity of 10 years.

Collecting and submitting documents

To apply for a Belgian residence permit, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • an application form filled out in one of the official languages (Dutch, French or German);
  • a valid identity card (passport);
  • proof of continuous legal residence for five years;
  • current temporary residence permit;
  • Health insurance policy;
  • certificate of criminal record or its equivalent;
  • proof of financial security.

The dossier must be translated into the state language and notarized, if applicable. The documents are submitted in person to the regional municipality, where they are reviewed and forwarded to the Department of Immigration. The application is limited to 5 months from the date of registration.

Validity period and extension of Belgian permanent residence permit

The status of permanent resident of Belgium is valid indefinitely and gives the right to unlimited residence in the country. It is necessary to change only the residence permit card itself - once every 10 years, or in case of its damage or change of personal data (for example, change of surname after marriage). To request the extension of the document can be between 30 and 40 days before the end of its validity by personal application to the municipality of residence.

The Belgian residence permit may be revoked in the following cases:

  • registration of a similar status in another European Union country;
  • detection of fraudulent document processing (e.g., providing a false dossier or false information);
  • posing a serious threat to the fundamental interests of society (e.g., links to terrorists);
  • absence from Belgium for 6 consecutive years, or travel outside the EU for more than 12 months without a valid reason (e.g., military service in the home country, education or medical treatment abroad);
  • revocation of refugee or international protection status, if the residence permit was issued on this basis.

After 5 years of residence in Belgium and after the permanent residence permit has been issued, it is possible to apply for citizenship. The applicant will need to pass a language test, confirming the level of A2 or higher, demonstrate evidence of social integration (e.g., passing the relevant government program). Citizenship is granted if the foreigner takes an economic part in the life of the kingdom, that is, accumulated work experience of 468 days for the entire period of residence, or paid taxes for at least 6 quarters as an entrepreneur.

Features of relocation to Belgium for a permanent residence

It is worth moving to Belgium for those who know one of the official languages at least at a basic level, have or plan to receive a stable source of income, and are ready to study the local culture and traditions. It is necessary to choose in advance a suitable city for immigration, to learn about the possibility to arrange children in a garden or school, to assess the prospects of the labor market or business. It will not be superfluous to learn more about the mentality of locals, climatic features of the kingdom, attitude to expats.

Relocation without language skills

Belgium is a multicultural country with three official languages: Dutch, French and German. In the regions, people also speak local dialects, such as Walloon. The most widespread languages in the country are Dutch and French, which are spoken by about 99% of the population. The majority of Belgians also know English, but are not always ready to communicate with foreigners in it. In order to successfully immigrate, you should master the language of the respective region at the level of A2 or higher, otherwise your chances of employment will be minimal.

Social security

The Belgian Ministry of Social Affairs provides financial and related support to vulnerable people. For example, people with disabilities, temporarily disabled, refugees, pensioners can apply for assistance. Registration of permanent residence in Belgium is associated with proof of financial security without benefits, so expect a successful immigration with regular subsidies from the state is not necessary. However, permanent residents of the country have the right to request assistance according to their status, such as unemployment benefits.

Labor market and wages

Belgium's economy is based on services, logistics, heavy industry (especially chemical industry) and international trade. Unemployment is low and there is a shortage of highly qualified employees. The average monthly salary in the kingdom is about 2684 EUR after taxes. Permanent residents can be employed without restrictions, except for positions in the state apparatus. Belgium has a progressive tax system with the interest rate increasing according to the level of income.

Kindergarten and school

School education in Belgium is free of charge and compulsory for all children, including foreigners with permanent residence. Education includes all-round personal development with the possibility to choose specialized disciplines in the upper grades. Private international school (for example, with English-speaking teachers) costs about 16 060 EUR per year. The state obligatorily organizes education of each child regardless of workload of schools in the place of residence.

In Belgium there are state kindergartens, including nursery groups, where a child can be placed from the age of three months. There are also private preschools, the average cost of which is about 500 EUR per month. Due to the increasing immigration flow in recent years, locals enroll their children in the queue in advance, sometimes immediately after birth. Holders of a residence permit card have the right to send their child to a public kindergarten.

Relocation of pensioners

There are no special conditions for older people to move to Belgium. The Kingdom pays pensions only to those who have a proper working record in the country or in the territory of the European Union. Foreigners can receive appropriate subsidies at home and live in the kingdom on general grounds. Life in Belgium cannot be called cheap, so here usually move wealthy pensioners or those who are dependent on family members.

How much money is required for the relocation?

You should start your move to Belgium by calculating your expected expenses. It will be necessary to rent or purchase real estate, organize a flight or land route to the kingdom, pay administrative fees for the opening of resident documents. Since before obtaining a residence permit will need to live in the country for 5 years, during this time you will need to pay for utilities, transportation, basic daily expenses. Also, foreigners spend on notary services, legal support, assistance of realtors. The table of approximate minimum costs of an immigrant is presented below.

Category of expensesCost, €
Visa fee180
Temporary residence permit144–357
Resident card24,6–26,6
Notary servicesот 12–15 (per page)
Approximately monthly expenses1000
Rent of one-bedroom apartment700–900 (per month)
Utility bills150–200 (per month)
Monthly pass for a public transport50
Property price per m23000–3500

It`s possible to minimize the cost of immigration to Belgium by contacting specialists in international law. Dedicated lawyers draw-up a step-by-step tailored action plan for the relocation.

Why it`s worth to move to Belgium

Belgium attracts foreigners with its high standard of living. This is a developed post-industrial state of Western Europe with notable rates of economic growth, political stability, public safety and social security. Individual index of quality of life in the kingdom is 165 points according to Numbeo, which equates to the assessment of “Very High”, and in the world ranking the country ranks 27th.

A significant plus for Belgium is the excellent purchasing power of the population. With an average salary of 2684 EUR, an average resident spends about 1000 EUR per month, excluding housing costs. Highly qualified specialists (for example, doctors, programmers, engineers, representatives of technical specialties) can earn from 5000 EUR. The insurance medical system is also well developed in the country, there are state universities with budgetary form of education.

The disadvantages of moving to Belgium include high income tax rates - up to 50% of the salary, depending on its size. The higher the income, the more contributions must be deducted, which does not like many immigrants. The complex state structure with many regional differences and tedious bureaucratic procedures also complicates the move. Life in Belgium is expensive: it is better to move here for those who are ready to work or run a business, without expecting financial subsidies from the kingdom.

Reviews of the immigrants, who moved to Belgium for a permanent residence

In the reviews of foreigners who moved to Belgium for permanent residence, there are mostly positive points. Many note the multi-nationality of the kingdom, which allows everyone to feel comfortable, regardless of skin color or religious beliefs. The country has a very developed infrastructure: everything necessary is available even in small towns, including for people with disabilities. In Belgium, the law prohibits any form of discrimination, and local municipalities offer integration programs for the comfortable settlement of foreigners.

Immigrants often talk about the peculiar mentality of Belgians, who are accustomed to slowness and unhurriedness, like to conduct unencumbered conversations on general topics (so-called small talk) and do not recognize the violation of social customs. There are often queues at government offices, banks and hospitals. Many people report that migration procedures are complicated, with staff requiring many different documents and taking a long time to process applications at each stage.

Available options of legal relocation to Belgium

Easy and quick ways to immigrate to Belgium for permanent residence include obtaining a passport from another European Union country. Citizens of an association can move to the kingdom without additional requirements along with family members. Some EU states (for example, Romania, Slovenia and Bulgaria) provide simplified conditions for obtaining a passport for those who have ethnic or territorial affiliation to the country. Citizenship registration takes from 4 months, it does not require prior opening of residence permit, submission of income certificate and language certificate.

You can choose a suitable immigration program with the help of international law specialists. Dedicated lawyers recommend the best ways to move to Europe based on the client's dossier and personal wishes. Step-by-step support of a specialist minimizes to zero mistakes in the migration process and the risk of rejection of the application. The assigned lawyer takes care of most of the tasks, from preparing the dossier to organizing visits to the authorized bodies. You can learn more about the best options for moving to Belgium during a free consultation.

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