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Obtaining French Residence Permit for Foreigners

Obtaining French Residence Permit for Foreigners

A residence permit in France is a document with which you can stay in the country for a long period of time (usually from 1 to 4 years) and enjoy most of the general civil rights. Temporary residency can be issued to those who have a legitimate reason to move to the state. Examples include enrolling in a university, establishing a startup, or family reasons. The French Republic is a highly developed post-industrial country with one of the most stable economies in Europe, so immigration here is of interest to many foreigners.

In 2025 you will receive a residence permit in France provided that you have no criminal record, law-abiding behavior, have a place of address registration in the Republic and provide all the necessary documents. In 5 years after moving in the future you can also get a passport of the EU country. In addition, there are simplified ways of immigration to France, as well as special types of residence permits with an extended list of preferences. More detailed information about the best options for residency is in the article.

Why you should apply for a residence permit in France

The French Republic is among the countries with the highest standard of living on the planet - it has 165 points out of 200 according to the Numbeo rating. This rating is due to the optimal ratio of wages and expenses, a decent purchasing power index of the population, well-developed health care and education systems, and a strong social structure. The average monthly income of residents here is 3300 EUR. Expected living expenses are at the level of 1000 EUR per month, excluding rent.

The status of a French resident gives you the right to:

  • to live anywhere in the country, change place of registration, travel and return without an entry permit;
  • visit Schengen states without a visa, subject to a stay of up to three months in total within a six-month period;
  • in most cases, to work officially, including as an individual entrepreneur;
  • be eligible for social support, e.g., integration courses or benefits;
  • to conduct commercial activities and sell their goods or services on the single European market;
  • switch to local tax residency, e.g., to optimize the financial burden or to obtain a pension in the long term;
  • under certain conditions, request reunification with close relatives to live together;
  • in the long term to obtain the status of permanent resident, and then - French citizenship and EU passport.

The disadvantage of the French residence permit is the complexity of its registration. The list of grounds for moving to the country is limited, in addition, not everyone can fulfill the conditions for financial security or availability of suitable housing in the country. Residency provides a limited list of rights, has a certain period of validity and requires the preservation of the basis for residence in the republic.

In 2025 it can be easier and simpler to obtain all the privileges of a French citizen with a passport of another EU country, issued under an accelerated procedure in the period from 4 to 12 months. Immigrantinlaw lawyers will provide more information about this during a free consultation.

What is required to obtain a French residence permit

French residence permit is granted on the basis of a long-term visa. It is of two types:

  • VLS (Visa de long séjour) - issued for entry into the Republic and obliges you to apply for a residence permit at the local prefecture within 2 months;
  • VLS-TS - replaces the temporary residence card and is valid for one year with the right to apply for a regular residence permit.

You can open a visa if you have a reason to immigrate to France. You will also need to meet the requirements for the applicant and provide the necessary documents.

What are the requirements for a temporary resident?

To obtain a residence permit in France, you must:

  • have the necessary documents, including an insurance policy and a long-term visa;
  • provide proof of a reason to legally move to the Republic;
  • prove that you have a place to stay to live in the country;
  • have sufficient funds for self-support (to be calculated individually);
  • agree to be photographed and fingerprinted;
  • demonstrate law-abiding behavior in France and abroad;
  • obtain a medical certificate from the Immigration and Integration Department upon arrival.

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What documents are required for the procedure

The general dossier for applying for a long-term visa and residence in France is as follows:

  • a passport with a validity of three months or more from the date of planned departure from the country;
  • proof of accommodation for the entire period of stay (e.g., real estate rental agreement);
  • health insurance policy valid also in other Schengen countries;
  • digital color photographs taken within the last six months;
  • proof of financial security, e.g., bank account information;
  • receipt of stamp duty payment at each stage of the procedure;
  • a criminal record certificate from your country of residence;
  • proof of the reason for the move, e.g., an agreement with an employer or volunteer organization.

Options of residence permit in France

France grants foreigners the right of residence for work, study, self-employment, business. It is also possible to obtain a residence permit for family and humanitarian reasons. For investors, startup entrepreneurs, specialists with high qualifications there is a “talent passport” with special preferences. There are also more rare types of residence permits, for example, for interns, domestic workers, volunteers, French pensioners. The basic term of validity of the document issued for the first time - up to a year. Further we tell you about the most popular reasons for opening residency.


Those who enter into an employment contract with a local company can live in France temporarily. Your employer must issue a permit for you, which is only issued when there are no resident or EU nationals available for the vacancy.

The right to move is also granted to employees of international companies who are transferred to a French branch or arrive on a business trip. You can come to the Republic for seasonal work, but in this case, you do not have the right to subsequent naturalization.

The contract with the employer is your main document for opening a French residence permit. You may also need a diploma of specialized education or a work record book.


If you want to develop your company in France in the commercial, industrial, handicraft or agricultural sector, you are entitled to obtain residency. It is important to have the means to implement your business plan and to be self-sufficient (at least the minimum wage). If your profession is a regulated profession (e.g., in the medical field), proof of qualification may be required. Business France and Agence France also regulate the issuance of business visas. The authorized bodies verify and approve your business intentions.

Talent passport

The multi-year residence card “passport of talent” is issued to those whose activities contribute to the economic development of France. This type of residence permit is granted for 4 years at a time and gives the right to family immigration. It can be obtained by startup entrepreneurs supported by special funds, key investors (investments - from 300 000 EUR), corporate managers and employees of innovative enterprises with a salary from 5400 EUR per month.

“Talent passport” is also granted to artists, painters, sportsmen, who are nationally and internationally known. Researchers and highly qualified specialists can count on the issuance of the document.

Family reasons

Close relatives of local citizens and residents, as well as EU passport holders can move to France. Usually, family members include husband or wife, children under 18 years of age, exceptionally parents or other relatives, e.g., if they need support.

The inviting party must provide guests with a place to stay and have sufficient funds to support them (the income of the host party is also taken into account). French spouses can naturalize a little faster than usual - 3 years after the move if the marriage is more than 4 years old.

Studying at a higher education institution

Students of local universities can reside in France. The student must pay for his/her studies, have 600 EUR per month to provide accommodation and he/she must be officially enrolled in an educational course. The right to residence permit is also available to participants of international exchange programs, students of professional courses and those who take an internship. Students may be employed with restrictions - up to 964 hours per year. Upon completion of their studies, they are allowed to apply for a residence permit to find a job or start a business.

Guest residence

France provides a residence permit for financially independent persons who want to live in the republic on their own means. You should receive per month from 1427 EUR without taxes - it can be, for example, social payments or income from real estate. Residence permit is issued for retired parents (dependents) of local residents, de facto cohabitants of the French, as well as religious figures. This type of residency does not give the right to work and conduct commercial activities in the state. Your income must be confirmed by official documents.

Other options

Also, on the registration of a resident card in France can count on:

  • those who need long-term medical treatment in the territory of the Republic;
  • refugees, applicants for international protection, victims of crime (e.g., human trafficking or domestic violence);
  • participants in voluntary missions licensed in the European Union;
  • foreign recipients of French pensions, provided that they will not be working in the country and do not plan to move with their family;
  • students, trainees and employees from other EU states as part of mobility programs;
  • applicants within the framework of international agreements, e.g., experience exchange between young employees.

In each of these situations, you will need to document the reason for moving to France, for example by providing a work contract or an invitation from a hospital.

All EU citizens have the right to live in France. With a passport of any of the EU countries you will not need to search and keep a reason for moving, to prove financial security. Specialized lawyers of the Immigrantinlaw will help you to analyze the chances of obtaining a European passport under the accelerated procedure.

Detailed procedure for obtaining a residence permit in France

To obtain a residence permit in France you need to:

  1. Decide on the reason for moving and prepare the documents.
    At the first stage, you select the best immigration basis, check the list of requirements, and then form the necessary dossier.
  2. Submit a request for a long-term visa.
    You can make an online application on the France-Visas website or make an appointment at a consulate, embassy or visa center in your country of residence. You should submit your request a maximum of 3.5 months before your trip. On the appointed day you visit the authorized body with the documents, submit biometric data, pay the state duty and leave your passport.
  3. Obtain a visa and move to France.
    After your request is approved, you personally pick up your passport with a visa sticker (in some countries it may be sent by post) and then cross the French border. If your visa is VLS-TS, it is enough to pass the online procedure of its verification through the website of the General Directorate for Foreigners with payment of the state duty within 90 days from the moment of arrival. Holders of a document marked VLS must apply for a residence permit to the authorized body within 2 months after immigration.
  4. Issue a temporary resident card.
    To change your VLS visa to a French residence permit, you make an appointment at the police department in Paris or the prefecture, depending on where you live. You will need to provide documents and photos, pay stamp duty. Then you wait for the decision and personally pick up the resident card at the place of request.

The cost of obtaining a residence permit in France

The amount of costs when applying for a temporary residence permit in France includes state fees, notary services, assistance of an interpreter, accompaniment of migration specialists. You can get a residence permit on your own, without legal support, but in this case, there is a high risk of rejection due to incorrect preparation, for example, submitting the wrong set of documents or errors in the procedure. Approximate costs of document processing, relevant in 2025, are presented below.

Category of expensesPrice, €
Long term visa99
Visa through an outsourced service providerUp to 40
Health insurance policy50–100 per months (on average)
Obtaining a residence card225
Renewal of residence permitAt the cost of initial registration
Notary/translator services10–15 (per page)

French residence permit processing time

It takes up to 15 days from the date of application to open a long-term French visa. In special cases, the period can be extended for another month, for example, if you require additional documents or the consulate has a heavy workload. The exact period for processing residence permit requests is not regulated by law and may vary from prefecture to prefecture. On average, it takes up to 6 months to process an initial residence permit if there are no comments on the documents or questions about the applicant. It takes another 21 days to produce a residence card.

How to extend a residence permit

A primary French residence permit is almost always issued for up to 12 months. Exceptions are, for example, the “talent passport” or the EU Blue Card. You can request an extension of the document if you still have a legitimate reason to live in the country. The procedure starts 2-4 months before the expiry of your current residence permit.

You make an appointment through the website of the General Directorate for Foreigners, on the appointed day you personally visit the prefecture of your place of residence in France. You will need to pay the state duty and submit the required package of documents. Extended residence permit will be granted within 2 months from the date of expiration of the current resident card. During the consideration of the request, you will be given a receipt, with which you can legally reside in the country.

Residence permit for family members

If you have been living in France for 18 months or longer and have a residence card valid for one year or more, you can apply for reunification with close relatives. A residence permit is issued for spouses and children (including adopted children) under the age of majority. You need to have sufficient living space to live together with your family (on average - 10-11 m² per person) and an income not lower than the gross minimum wage (1800 EUR per month gross) to support your dependents.

Not all types of French residency entitle you to family reunification. For example, it is not possible if you are in the country as a pensioner or seasonal worker. On the other hand, permits such as the “talent passport” and the EU Blue Card allow you to move to the Republic with your entire family at once. Citizens of other EU countries are also eligible for family immigration without additional conditions. You can find out about your chances of obtaining an EU passport without major expenses and a language test from Immigrantinlaw's migration lawyers.

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Reasons for refusal

The right to reside in France is not granted to those who submit false documents or conceal important information about themselves. Often requests are denied because of errors in the dossier such as incorrect translation, lack of certificates and statements. Residence permit is not given to those who have previously violated the laws of the Republic and the Schengen zone, has a criminal record punishable by imprisonment, violates the principles of national security. You will also be refused if you do not meet at least one of the requirements for the applicant. You can file a judicial appeal, but usually the process ends not in favor of the applicant.

Revocation of residence permit status

A residence permit can be revoked if you are found to be in violation of local laws (e.g., working illegally) or if your actions jeopardize national security. A residence permit is revoked when a resident no longer meets any of the conditions, such as no longer having the means to support himself/herself or his/her reason for moving is no longer valid. The right to reside is forfeited by those who ignore invitations from the prefecture for appointments. A residence permit is revoked if it is found to have been obtained fraudulently. Once the residency status is revoked, the foreigner must leave the country.

Registration of permanent residence and citizenship

You can obtain a permanent residence in France 5 years after immigration by applying to the prefecture. Not all types of residence permit give this right, for example, interns, volunteers or seasonal workers cannot apply for permanent residency. In addition to the residency period, you must pass a language test (level - from A2) and prove that all the time in France, you lived at your own expense, without applying for social support (benefits). Permanent residence permit after residence permit will be granted to you if you have a place of residence in the country, medical insurance and the necessary documents.

Five years after the legal move you have the right to apply for French citizenship. In this case, you must successfully pass an interview in the prefecture and demonstrate good integration into society, including knowledge of the national language at level B1. Citizenship status is given only to law-abiding foreigners who have no tax debts, loyal to the state, self-supporting and have a local registration. With the EU passport you get the opportunity to travel visa-free to many countries of the world and new life prospects for yourself and your family.

International law specialists will help you to find the best option of immigration to France. Immigrantinlaw's specialized lawyers will check your request and documents and then recommend the fastest, easiest and most affordable ways to move to Europe. You can find out more today - just leave a request for a free consultation.

About the author

Diane Weber is an international law specialist with 10 years of legal practice experience. Her portfolio includes successful stories of citizenship in different European Union countries under simplified procedures. Diana provides detailed advice and helps many people to achieve their immigration goals in a short period of time, including resolving visa issues, assisting in obtaining residence permits and citizenship in the EU countries. In her blog, Diana Weber enjoys providing readers with detailed information about the features of most popular programs for obtaining a second passport.

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