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Swedish residence permit

Swedish residence permit

A temporary residence permit in Sweden is a document, which makes possible to stay in the country and cross its borders in both directions without a visa, during the period of validity of the residence permit. Usually, a residence permit is issued to those who come here for a period of more than 90 days but up to 365 days. You can apply for a residence permit as a student, entrepreneur, relative of the locals, volunteer, intern, refugee. To those who are employed in the state are issued a combined work and residence permit. Usually, residence permit is the first stage on the way to naturalization and subsequent obtaining of citizenship of the EU country in 5 years after relocation.

To apply for a Swedish residence permit, you need to have funds for self-sufficiency, health insurance and a legal reason to move. The rights of residents differ depending on the type of documents, for example, employment is sometimes allowed with restrictions. There are immigration and non-immigration types of residence permits. In the second case, the permit does not allow you to stay in the country permanently: it is valid for 6 to 12 months and is issued only for temporary purposes, such as medical treatment or religious activities.

To move to Sweden fast and easy, it is worth enlisting the help of migration specialists. Lawyers of international law at Immigrantinlaw select individual ways of obtaining residence or citizenship of the European Union in the shortest possible time, without significant costs, and disclose in detail the pros and cons of each of them. To get more information sign up for a free consultation.

What preferences a temporary resident of Sweden receives

Swedish residency gives the holder the following rights and advantages:

  • long-term stay in the Nordic state with the possibility of crossing the border both ways without a visa;
  • official employment in a country where the average salary is 3500 EUR per month (for certain types of residence permits);
  • receiving medical care in modern clinics on the basis of a unified medical insurance (the Swedish Health Index is 69 points out of 100, i.e., high);
  • enrolment in prestigious educational institutions, including access to free tuition under scholarship programs;
  • the opportunity to register and run a business internationally, to deliver goods or services on the Single European Market;
  • opening of accounts in reliable banks with financial instruments SWIFT, Visa Payoneer, Mastercard, credit and deposit lines;
  • the right to reunite with close relatives and issue national documents for them (valid with restrictions on the type of residence);
  • for immigration residence permits, the prospect of subsequent permanent residence permit and citizenship by naturalization;
  • access to the social system, including cash benefits and assistance with integration into Swedish society.

Options of obtainment a Swedish residence permit

The list of grounds for residence in Sweden is regulated by the national law “Utlänningslag” (2005:716). You can apply for a residence permit on the following grounds:

  • employment;
  • running a business;
  • family reunification;
  • humanitarian reasons;
  • volunteer activities;
  • intra-company transfers;
  • undergoing training;
  • research;
  • internship.

The exact period of processing a request for a Swedish residence permit is not regulated by law and depends on several factors: the nationality of the applicant, the place where the request is made (in the Kingdom or abroad), the basis for issuing the document. In any case, the procedure is not fast: it usually takes from 12 months to 2 years. It is possible to request a long-term residence permit (PRP) of Sweden after 5 years of inhabitancy with a residence permit of immigration type. You will need to prove financial security and law-abidingness.

The status of Swedish citizen is also granted to naturalized foreigners after a five-year period after the relocation. Important conditions - the absence of violations and convictions in the state, tax and alimony arrears. The naturalization procedure in any case begins with the registration of residency.


It is possible to move to Sweden after concluding an employment contract with a local company. The employer can only invite a foreigner if the vacancy has not been filled by citizens of the Kingdom, the EU or the EEC. You must receive a salary of at least 80% of the current national average, according to Statistics Sweden. As of September 2024, this amount is approximately 2500 EUR. The working conditions (schedule, social security, vacation) cannot differ from those stipulated in the national collective agreements in the respective industry.

In order to employ a foreigner, a Swedish employer is obliged to arrange several insurance policies, including health and retirement insurance. You will not need to prove experience in the chosen field, demonstrate a diploma or pass a language test. The residence permit procedure in this case is initiated by the host company, which transmits the employment information to the migration agency.

There are special rules in certain cases, such as for domestic assistants, seasonal workers, artists, entertainers and athletes. They may need other documents, filling in special forms and applications.

EU Blue Card

If you are highly qualified and receive a job offer from a Swedish company, it is possible to apply for an EU Blue Card. This is a special type of residence permit, which is issued for 2 years at a time, provides labor mobility in the EU countries and gives the right to move with family members. An applicant for a Blue Card must have a specialized university education or five years of work experience in the chosen field, which is confirmed by documents. It is necessary to sign a work contract for at least one year with a salary 1.5 times higher than the national average, i.e., from 4700 EUR per month in 2024.

Commercial activity

Sweden welcomes foreign entrepreneurs with successful business experience abroad. To obtain a residence permit, you will need to prove that you have sufficient knowledge of Swedish or English to communicate with partners and customers. You will also need to submit a business plan, pay an administration fee, and prove that you are responsible for the company as its founder and have a suitable share capital. The right of residence is granted to those who have a minimum of 17,700 EUR in their bank account for self-support, 50% of the amount for the support of their spouse and 25% for each child.


Student residence permit is granted to those who start studying at a Swedish higher education institution or an institution with a similar degree of accreditation and full-time study. Residency is also granted to participants of international student exchange programs, postgraduate and doctoral students, students of professional and language courses. A certificate of enrollment in the university or other similar document will need to be attached to the dossier. The student must have a monthly income of 1000 EUR for self-sufficiency, as well as pre-payment of tuition fees before submitting a request for residence permit.

Family circumstances

Swedish residency is granted to family members of local citizens, foreigners with permanent residence permits or residence permits of certain types (for work, study, asylum seekers, researchers). Eligible applicants include de facto partners or registered spouses, children under 18 years of age. As an exception, it is possible to request reunification with other relatives, such as parents or an adult child, provided they are incapacitated or for other compelling reasons. A residence permit for family members is approved if the host party is willing to provide housing and support for dependents.

Scientific research

You can immigrate to Sweden to participate in research activities at the invitation of a relevant organization, such as an institute. The planned study program must be approved by the Swedish Research Council. You will need to have 850 EUR for each month of your stay for self-support. The basic dossier is supplemented by a research contract. It is possible to include family members in the application to move in together. Researchers do not need to demonstrate Swedish language skills or professional experience.

Humanitarian grounds

Sweden grants the right of residence to those who cannot reside in their home country because of a threat to life and health and their country of citizenship has not taken adequate protection measures. Depending on the situation, it is possible to formalize as a refugee or to claim additional protection. Each case is examined personally by migration and law enforcement authorities for several months, during which time the foreigner is restricted in his/her place of residence and movement. Far from all potential refugees are approved: a strong case with evidence is required.

Intra-corporate transfer

Swedish residence permit can be applied for by employees of international companies who come to work in the local branch for more than three months. The transfer is possible for managers, core specialists, trainees and executive staff who have been working in the company for at least 90 days. It is necessary to prove relevant professional experience or education, if it is an industrial practice. The employee's salary must equal or exceed the minimum wage in the chosen industry according to Swedish collective agreements.

Religious activity

Foreign monks and missionaries can move to Sweden to work in official church organizations. A residence permit is granted for a maximum of 3 years, renewable for 12 months each time. You will need to supplement the application package with an invitation letter from a religious organization stating the purpose of the cooperation and its expected duration, as well as proof that you have the means to support yourself. In certain cases (e.g., guest preaching and lecturing), an additional work permit is also required.

Residence permit of a non-immigrational type

In Sweden, there is a residence permit for visitation. It is issued to those who want to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days, but have no intention of naturalization and undertake to return home at the expiration of the document. It is possible to obtain a non-immigrant residence permit in the following situations:

  • visiting close relatives (siblings, children and grandchildren) or partners for up to six months (9 months in special cases);
  • long-term tourism, where you can stay in the country for up to 6 months;
  • business travel or attendance at thematic business conferences;
  • undergoing medical treatment, which is confirmed by a contract with a local hospital and lasts up to 12 months;
  • participation in a willed volunteer mission or internship program for up to one year.

In most cases it is necessary to prove financial security for living in Sweden - from 30 EUR for each day of stay, and the source of income does not matter, e.g., it can be a pension, salary from a remote job or rent for rented accommodation. Non-immigrant residence permit is issued without the right to employment and access to the social security system.

There are no residence permits in Sweden which are popular among foreigners, such as for financially independent persons, digital nomads, rentiers or pensioners. The right of residence is also not granted by habitancy or through the purchase of real estate. Residency cannot be bought even with large investments in the kingdom's economy. The local migration policy is quite strict, there are many reasons for refusing requests, which limits the number of those who move to permanent residence. The easiest way to legalize stay in Sweden is to have a passport of one of the EU or EEC countries.

EU citizens can live in Sweden for as long as they wish without a residence permit or additional requirements. A number of EU countries provide a national passport under a simplified program for up to 12 months, without renouncing current citizenship, prior residence with a residence permit or investment in the economy. You can get more information from a migration lawyer Immigrantinlaw. Sign up for a free consultation!

What criteria must be met to obtain a temporary residence permit in Sweden

The main condition for obtaining any type of residence permit in Sweden is to have a legal basis for moving to Sweden. Prove the right to immigration should be documented, such as a certificate of enrollment in a university, registration as an individual entrepreneur (IE), work contract, marriage certificate with a citizen of the kingdom. You also have to meet such requirements as:

  • law-abiding, not posing a threat to the country or its inhabitants;
  • having a regular income or financial reserves in the required amount (depends on the basis);
  • a health insurance policy valid in Sweden and other EU countries;
  • preparation of a complete residency application package;
  • agreeing to undergo the required procedures, including fingerprinting;
  • proof of identity (a valid passport is usually sufficient).

Additional conditions for the issuance of a Swedish Resident Card depend on the basis on which it is issued. For example, applicants for the Blue Card must prove that they have relevant experience and/or education in their profession, and entrepreneurs must have a conversational knowledge of Swedish or English.

What are the stages in the process of obtaining residence in Sweden

For those who are abroad, the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Sweden is as follows:

  1. Selection of the basis for immigration and documentary preparation.
    It is necessary to find a legitimate reason for moving, familiarize yourself with the requirements for the applicant, collect a dossier, translate and notarize it if necessary.
  2. Submit your request online (optional).
    You can request a Swedish residence permit by submitting an electronic application through the official service on the website of the migration agency. You will need to scan or make photos of the attached documents, pay the registration fee, and indicate the appropriate consulate or embassy for the subsequent visit. This point is optional: you can make an appointment at a diplomatic mission in the usual way.
  3. Appointment at a Swedish consulate or embassy.
    At the personal reception, it will be required to submit original documents, be interviewed by an official, and be photographed and fingerprinted for the subsequent production of a temporary resident card. The diplomatic mission forwards the request to the migration agency, which makes a decision on the application.
  4. Acquisition of the resident card.
    If the application is approved, a temporary residence permit is issued in the form of an ID-card with the personal data of the owner. With it you can cross the border of the kingdom without additional conditions. If you need a visa to travel to Sweden, then the consulate/embassy provides only it, and the residence permit card will need to be requested in person upon arrival in the state at the migration agency.

The procedure is slightly different depending on what type of Swedish residence permit you are requesting. For example, in the case of employment, the process is initiated by an employer in the Kingdom. It is possible to request a residence card directly in Sweden, provided that you live there legally. In this case, you need to go to the nearest office of the migration agency with a package of documents, or leave an online application.

What will be needed to obtain a Swedish residence permit

For a comfortable move to Sweden, it is necessary to correctly form a residence file, organize visits to the authorities, and pay the associated costs. You will also need to have an interview with the consul, take a photo for the residence permit card and take fingerprints.

List of documents

The general dossier for obtaining a Swedish temporary residence permit is as follows:

  • a passport for travel abroad, the validity period of which is at least 3 months longer than the expected date of departure from the Kingdom;
  • personally completed application form of the approved sample in accordance with the basis for residence;
  • European medical insurance with the amount of coverage from 30 thousand EUR;
  • receipt of the state fee payment;
  • proof of sufficient level of finances (bank statement or work contract with salary);
  • civil status certificates (birth, marriage or divorce), if applicable;
  • proof of the basis for residence in the country.

A criminal record certificate is usually not required, but the Swedish migration authorities may request additional information to verify the applicant's reliability. Documents in a language other than Swedish require an official translation and notarization.

Submission of the application

To open a primary residence permit, generally you must apply at the Swedish diplomatic mission in your country of residence, even if you have the right to visit the kingdom without a visa. You can make an appointment in a convenient way (e.g., by phone) or you can apply for a residence permit electronically and later visit the consulate/embassy on the appointed date to complete the procedure. A sample of the application form and related requirements can be found on the website of the migration agency.

Before applying for Swedish residency, an administrative fee will need to be paid by credit or debit card. If you visit a diplomatic mission in person, you will need to submit the required documents in the original and prove your identity with a passport. You will be interviewed by the consul, who will ask you more about the reason for the move and related nuances. Usually, foreign representatives employ people who know the language of the country, but just in case you can ask for a support of an interpreter.

How much does it cost to apply for a residence permit

The cost of obtaining Swedish residency depends on the immigration procedure. It includes the payment of government fees, the services of an interpreter, a notary, the assistance of specialized lawyers, and the organization of visits to the authorities. The current administrative fees for September 2024 are shown in the following table.

Type of expenditurePrice, €
National visa (D category)60
Consideration of residence permit request130–193
Re-issuance of residence permitAt the cost of initial issuance
Notary services12–15 (per page)

Specialists of the International law at Immigrantinlaw help to find the most affordable option to immigrate to Sweden with the right to professional activity. Sign up for a free consultation.

Renewal of a residence permit

A residence permit in Sweden in the immigration category can be extended if you still have a reason to live in the state. Usually, the application is submitted before the expiration of the current residence permit, but not earlier than six months. You will need to personally apply to the migration agency, pay the administrative fee, provide your passport and a package of documents. After approval of the application for extension you will be sent a new resident card, which is delivered by mail to the address of registration in the kingdom.

The migration agency also deals with the issue of permanent residence in Sweden. You can a permanent residence permit after 5 years of habitancy with a residence permit, provided that you have not left the country for more than six months in a row or for 10 months in total for the entire above period. Non-immigrant residence permits, as well as those issued for study purposes, are not counted in the period of stay. The issuance of a permanent resident card is possible after personal application with a package of documents before the expiration of the current residence permit.

Refusal of issuance and revocation of the status

Resident card of Sweden is not made for those who have criminal convictions according to local law, is recognized as persona non grata in the kingdom, previously violated the migration rules of the Schengen countries. The refusal comes in the case of providing an incorrect dossier, lack of documents from the list approved by the migration service or information about the applicant. An application can be rejected if there is an attempt to deceive the authorities, including by the consul's decision as a result of an interview. Also, residence permit is not granted to those who do not fulfill at least one of the requirements for the applicant, for example, does not have a source of income.

The Swedish authorities may revoke a valid residence permit if it turns out that false documents or false information was used for its issuance. Residency is revoked in cases when a foreigner is engaged in the state not for a purpose he/she received the document (for example, working illegally, although he came for a long visit to relatives). Decisions of the authorities can be challenged in court, but usually such cases are not decided in favor of immigrants.

To avoid being refused and to be guaranteed to move to Sweden on a legal program, get expert assistance from international law specialists at Immigrantinlaw. Sign up for a free consultation today!

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