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Permanent residence of Estonia

Term from 2 months

Estonia is one of the EU countries with a stable economy and low crime rate. Residents of the state have unlimited access to the labor market with the prospect of receiving high salaries, as well as to European education and quality medical care.

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Benefits of Estonian permanent residence


Visa-free travel

The borders of the EU and Schengen countries are open to holders of the Estonian permanent residence card - residents do not need to obtain an entry permit.


Official employment

Permanent residents of Estonia do not need to obtain a work permit if they plan to sign a contract with a local employer.


Affordable medicine

Permanent residence card holders can receive free service in European clinics within the insurance policy.


Optimal taxes

In 2023, the tax rate on profit for Estonian entrepreneurs is fixed and is 20%.

This program is suitable:

Improve your financial situation

  • Owners of the Estonian permanent residence card with higher education and work experience can expect to receive decent salaries - from 2,000 EUR per month.

Become a student of a European university

  • Estonian universities provide services in the field of education according to EU standards, and graduates receive international standard diplomas.

Establish your own business

  • Beginning entrepreneurs can take advantage of financial support from Estonian and EU state funds to open a company.

Get an EU passport

  • Estonian permanent residents are entitled to apply for EU citizenship if they have lived in the state for a total of at least 8 years.

new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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Why us?

Cooperation under the contract

The client signs an agreement with the migration company, which indicates his rights and obligations of specialists.

Individual solutions

Before starting the registration of permanent residence in Estonia, migration specialists carefully study the details and features of the client’s situation.

Guaranteed success

The company’s specialists are responsible for fulfilling their obligations, so the client can be confident in receiving a permanent residence card.

Extensive experience

Thanks to the skills acquired during their activity, specialists know all the nuances of the procedure for obtaining permanent residence in Estonia.

Where to start


Discussing the details

The client provides the specialist with documents, specifies the goal of obtaining an Estonian permanent residence card, and the lawyer selects the basis for immigration.


Formation of the dossier

The international law specialist prepares the client’s document package for his further submission to the Estonian state body.


Filing a permanent residence request

The client, accompanied by a lawyer, makes an appointment at the Estonian state body, and then visits the institution to provide the originals of the documents.


Completion of the process

Upon approval of the application, the applicant revisits the Estonian state body to receive the finished permanent resident card.


What are the conditions for obtaining permanent residence in Estonia?

An immigrant needs to live in the state with a residence permit for at least 5 years, have a valid medical insurance policy, prove the presence of local registration and finances to cover the costs of staying in the country, demonstrate knowledge of the Estonian language at a level not lower than B1.

What documents need to be provided to arrange permanent residence of Estonia?

A foreigner should prepare a foreign passport, medical insurance policy, income certificate, one digital photo, certificate of passing the language test, and receipt of payment of the state fee.

What financial requirements exist for obtaining permanent residence in Estonia?

In 2023, an immigrant needs to demonstrate that he receives at least 200 EUR per month (provided that the applicant lives alone).

What rights and obligations do holders of Estonian permanent residence have?

Permanent residents can receive education in the country, receive service in banks, undergo treatment in clinics, as well as get a job in local companies without obtaining a work permit. The duties of permanent residence card holders include paying taxes and complying with all government regulations of the state.

Become a full-fledged
citizen of the
European Union!

Submit the application form and we will call you back!


Stories from our clients

I thought that I could get permanent residence on my own, but I quickly stacked and realized that I needed the help of specialists. Everything went perfectly with them, without delays.


Reviews of permanent residence

The dream of EU citizenship has finally come true. There are so many opportunities that I cannot get enough of the new status!


Citizenship Reviews

I was ready that obtaining permanent residence will require a lot of effort and time. It's actually not that scary, and the results are worth it.


Reviews of permanent residence


new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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