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Residence permit of Greece

Term from 2 months

Greece is a tourist country that is a part of the European Union. Among other things, the chemical and cosmetic industries are particularly developed in the country: workers in these sectors receive decent salaries – from 2,800 EUR. The country has inexpensive real estate, and there are trends of economic growth.

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Advantages of Greek permanent residence


Free visit to EU countries

Permanent residents of Greece are allowed to enter any European Union country without a visa.


Quality medicine

In clinics, doctors work according to international protocols, so permanent residents can receive qualified help.


Indefinite residence

Foreigners who have received a permanent resident card are given the opportunity to stay in Greece indefinitely.


Prestigious education

Graduates of Greek universities receive international standard diplomas, with which they can get a job in any country in the world.

This program is suitable:

Establish a company

  • The tourism business is developing in the country, so a foreigner can open a firm in this area and receive a stable income.

Buy real estate

  • An immigrant can buy an apartment/house in Athens at a price that is lower than in other capitals of the EU countries - the cost of 1 m2 starts from 2,700 EUR.

Invest profitably

  • A foreigner who has invested in Greek real estate can get a permanent residence card and increase his income by using the object for commercial purposes.

Service in banks

  • A permanent resident is entitled to receive a full range of services in the country’s financial institutions, for example, take loans, including a mortgage.

new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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Why us?

Conclusion of a contract

Cooperation with the company takes place by signing an official agreement, which specifies the rights of the client and the obligations of migration specialists.

Impressive experience

The company’s specialists have been providing services in the field of migration for many years in a row, so they perfectly know the legislation of the European Union countries, including Greece.

Achievement of the result

International law lawyers make every effort within the framework of Greek legislation to achieve a positive response to a foreigner’s request for a permanent residence card.

Personal approach

The company’s specialists do not work according to a template, but carefully study the situation of each client, so they offer the optimal option for requesting Greek permanent residence.

Where to start


Initial consultation

The company’s specialist studies the client’s documents, answers his/her questions and selects the basis for obtaining a Greek permanent residence card.


Preparation of the dossier

An international law lawyer forms a package of client documents for further submission to the Greek migration state body.


Request for permanent residence

Accompanied by a lawyer, the client submits an electronic application for permanent resident status and attaches the required documents to it.


Receiving a card

Upon the fact of assigning the applicant the status of a permanent resident of Greece, he receives a ready-made document.


What are the conditions of obtaining a Greek permanent residence card?

To become a permanent resident, a foreigner must live in the country with a residence permit for at least 5 years, prove the presence of a stable monthly income and demonstrate knowledge of the Greek language, history and culture. The applicant also needs to have insurance.

What financial requirements exist for obtaining Greek permanent residence?

The applicant for a resident card needs to demonstrate that he receives at least 780 EUR per month.

How can an investor get permanent residence in Greece?

An immigrant has the right to become a permanent resident on the basis of real estate purchase. The minimum transaction amount depends on the region of Greece in which the applicant plans to buy an object, and can be 250,000 or 500,000 EUR.

What rights are granted to holders of Greek permanent residence and what are their obligations?

Permanent residents have access to medical care within the insurance policy, employment, business and education. The owner of a Greek permanent residence must pay taxes on time, comply with the laws of the country and not threaten the national security of the state.

Become a full-fledged
citizen of the
European Union!

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Stories from our clients

I recently contacted the company and was very pleased with the friendliness and attentiveness of the lawyers. Well, and no less important, they did not hesitate to fulfill their obligations and did everything efficiently.


Company reviews

I received a residence permit for family restoration without any problems. To be honest, I was very worried at the beginning, but the company took into account all the details, so there were no difficulties.


Reviews about residence permit

The passport of Bulgaria was not so difficult to obtain. Everything went smoothly thanks to the help of lawyers.


Citizenship Reviews


new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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