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Czech citizenship

Czech citizenship

Czech citizenship is the political and legal connection between a person and the state, which is expressed in a list of mutual rights and obligations. The status is granted by birth or adoption, by standard or accelerated naturalization, or by application, which is regulated by the local law “On Czech Citizenship” (O státním občanství České republiky). The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, therefore the holders of a local passport are automatically equalized with EU citizens and can enjoy common citizenship rights in all territories of the association.

Czech passport is the main identity card of a citizen, which is used within the country and on the territory of the European Union. The rules of issuance and execution of the document are regulated by the Law on Travel Documents (O cestovních dokladech). Czech citizens can also apply for a passport, which is ranked 5th in the global ranking of passports of the countries of the world. With this document you can visit more than 160 countries without a visa, as well as immigrate to any EU country with access to official work, free education, business and social services.

It is also possible to obtain Czech citizenship rights with a passport from any other EU country. Many applicants have access to a simplified program for obtaining a second EU citizenship within 8 months. You can find out more by making an appointment for a free consultation with a migration lawyer.

How to obtain Czech citizenship

Czech citizenship for foreigners is available most often by naturalization. Other options, including birth and application, mainly concern minor children of citizens and those who previously held a local passport and wish to restore it. The naturalization procedure is a long process, which consists of several stages and takes a total of 10 years in the usual order. It is important not to make mistakes at the stages of immigration in order to successfully become a Czech citizen.

Citizenship of the Czech Republic cannot be obtained by those who provide incomplete or false information about themselves, forge documents in the file, refuse to go through the legislative procedures. The application is not approved if the foreigner has been previously convicted (including abroad), has violated Czech laws, has been found to have evaded taxes, or has not demonstrated sufficient integration into society.

Obtaining Czech citizenship by naturalization

Naturalization is living in the country for a certain period of time in the status of a resident and fulfilling the accompanying integration requirements: learning the national language, socio-cultural and historical peculiarities of the state. This process in the Czech Republic takes from 10 years in the standard order from the moment of opening of the first residence permit. The usual naturalization procedure looks like this:

  1. Opening of a long-term visa.
    The foreigner chooses the basis for moving to the Czech Republic and applies to the diplomatic mission for an entry permit.
  2. Moving and obtaining a residence permit.
    With a long-term visa, the immigrant moves to the Czech Republic and requests a residence card from the Ministry of the Interior on the same basis on which the visa was opened.
  3. Renewal of the residence permit and registration of a permanent residence permit.
    If the basis for staying in the Czech Republic is maintained, the foreigner periodically (every 1-2 years) renews the residence permit, and after 5 years requests the status of permanent resident.
  4. Submitting a request for citizenship status.
    After 5 years after acquiring permanent residence, the foreigner may apply for Czech citizenship provided that he/she meets the other requirements of the law and successfully passes the language exam.
  5. Taking the oath and obtaining citizenship.
    The Ministry of Justice decides on the application for citizenship within 180 days from the date of submission. If the request is approved, a foreigner over the age of 15 is invited to take the oath and receive a citizenship document.
  6. Issuance of a Czech citizen passport.
    After becoming a citizen, the immigrant visits a representative office of the Ministry of Interior or a regional municipality where he/she submits the documents, pays the state fee of 24 EUR and receives a ready passport within 30 days.

The most important thing required to start the naturalization procedure is to have a reason to move to the Czech Republic. Most often foreigners open a residence permit for one of the reasons listed below.


Naturalization in the Czech Republic is possible for foreign employees. Usually, it is possible to get a position in a Czech company only if there is no one to take it from among the permanent residents of the republic and citizens of the European Union. The exception is professions with narrow specialization, including digital nomads (IT employees). For immigration, it is necessary to conclude a long-term (more than three months) work contract with the host company, sometimes - also to prove your experience in the specified profile or relevant education.


Spouses and de facto partners of Czech citizens have the right to accelerated naturalization - immediately after permanent residence, i.e., 5 years after the move. Husbands and wives of residents of the Republic go through the standard procedure of family reunification and obtain a passport in the usual manner. The other requirements for naturalization in both cases are the same: financial security, law-abidingness, presence of a place of registration in the Czech Republic and successful passing of the integration test.

Family reunion

Close relatives of Czech residents and citizens may apply for naturalization. Minor children of local citizens (at least one of them) automatically receive a passport of the Republic by birthright. The child of immigrants is not affected: he acquires the same status as his parents have. If a person was born in the Czech Republic and received a residence permit, he/she has the right to immediately apply for citizenship without waiting another five years. Family reunification is possible for other family members, such as parents, provided that they need help or maintenance.


Business-immigration Entrepreneurs who want to develop their activities in the Czech Republic are entitled to move to the Czech Republic and subsequently obtain citizenship. An immigrant can register a company of any form of ownership, without restrictions on the initial contribution and the choice of the field of activity. The applicant's business plan is studied by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which evaluates its usefulness for the Czech Republic. Regardless of the size of the company, the foreigner undergoes the standard naturalization procedure, i.e., golden visas do not apply here.


Foreign students have a chance to stay in the Czech Republic permanently after completing their studies. The applicant may enroll in a local university, college or school, attend language or vocational courses, or move within the framework of international exchange programs - in each case he/she receives a residence permit. Student residence permit counts only 50% towards the naturalization period, which increases the waiting period for a Czech passport.

Purchase of a real estate

The purchase of real estate itself is not considered as a basis for obtaining Czech residence. However, a foreigner can invest 3 000 000 EUR in the tangible assets of a local company in which he is a shareholder, and on this basis qualify for residence permit. Real estate is suitable as an investment, for example, if it is formalized as an office for employees of the company. The purchase of housing is also useful for registration of residence in the Czech Republic, which must be carried out within three days after moving.

There are also other ways of obtaining Czech citizenship by naturalization. The right to issue a passport on the settled can be recognized refugees, scientific researchers, those who have special merits to the Republic. These grounds are less popular among foreigners, as they require special knowledge and involve a number of difficulties, for example, asylum seekers cannot visit their native country and have to live for some time in a special camp.

The naturalization process is complex and lengthy, and a mistake at any of its stages may result in denial of citizenship. It is faster and easier to obtain an EU passport through the repatriation procedure, which takes from 8 months with the assistance of specialized lawyers.

Refusal in obtaining Czech citizenship

Not every application for Czech citizenship is approved. Most often rejected are those who do not provide a complete set of documents or do not comply with at least one of the requirements, such as unsatisfactory language and culture test. The application is rejected if he/she has a criminal record, tax debts, problems with social integration. The authorities closely monitor the number of days of absence of the foreigner in the Czech Republic when assessing the naturalization period, especially if the departure lasted more than 6 months without a valid reason.

Czech Republic is a wonderful country for immigration

In the World Quality of Life Index, the Czech Republic ranks 23rd out of all countries on the planet. The individual assessment of the republic on this indicator is 170 points out of 200, i.e., “Very High”. The advantages of life in the Czech Republic include developed health care, European education system (including free education), low inflation rate with a variety of vacancies in the labor market, personal and public safety of each person. The average salary in the republic is 1500 EUR (after taxes) with approximate monthly expenses up to 800 EUR per person (excluding rent).

Moving to the Czech Republic by naturalization is an opportunity to settle down for permanent residence in a developed country of the European Union. This way will suit those who are ready to wait for a second citizenship for more than 10 years. Also, for immigration to the Czech Republic with subsequent naturalization must find a legal basis and keep it to extend the residence permit. Specialists in demanded professions often move here, as well as entrepreneurs, who are attracted by loyal taxes and the prospect of running a company in the markets of Europe. The Czech Republic is considered to be a country of students who are attracted by affordable prices for higher education.

Skilled specialists in world of law prepare individual programs for foreigners to quickly and successfully immigrate to Europe. If you sign up for a free consultation, you can get recommendations on the best options for obtaining a second passport abroad.

In conclusion

Self-application for Czech citizenship is a long and tedious process with a high risk of rejection. A foreigner needs to understand the nuances of migration legislation, calculate the period of stay in the country, and deal with documentary issues. The procedure can be simplified and accelerated as much as possible by contacting international law specialists. Dedicated lawyers select the best ways for the applicant to immigrate to the Czech Republic and accompany him/her at every stage until the successful result. You can learn more at a free consultation.

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