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Immigration to Sweden for Permanent Residence

Immigration to Sweden for Permanent Residence

Permanent residence in Sweden is a document of a foreigner, which gives him the right to permanently reside in the country for an unlimited period of time. You can get it after five years of continuous stay in the state with a residence permit of the immigration type. You will also need to provide a passport and have a stable legal income sufficient to support yourself and dependent family members. The Kingdom of Sweden is a member of the European Union, so the permanent resident card is equivalent to an EU residence permit with corresponding preferences, such as work or study in other countries of the association.

Moving to Sweden for permanent residence in 2025 gives you the opportunity to legalize your stay in a highly developed state, which ranks 10th in the world ranking of living standards. It is worth to immigrate here for high wages, decent social security, protection of personal rights and freedoms, democratic values and prospects for raising children. Sweden is famous for good medicine, prestigious education, ensuring equal rights for its inhabitants without any kind of discrimination. The country is attractive with high purchasing power of the population and business prospects.

To find the best way to move to Sweden for permanent residence, you can get the support of Immigrantinlaw dedicated lawyers. Specialists of international law proceed from your request and wishes when drawing up an individual plan of action for a quick and comfortable relocation for the whole family.

What does Swedish permanent residence give?

Permanent resident status equates the holder with Swedish citizens in most rights, such as:

  • official employment with no restrictions on field of work, salary level or schedule (except public sector positions);
  • university studies, including at the expense of the state, grant or scholarship programs;
  • registering and running a business of any form of ownership or activity;
  • Receiving social support in the form of unemployment benefits or after the birth of a child;
  • inviting close relatives for family reunification;
  • medical insurance on favorable terms for the local population;
  • services at private and public banks, including international transfers or opening a loan.

The holder of a Swedish permanent residence also receives a special EU residence permit, with which it is possible to work, study, conduct business throughout the territory of the association, and be served in banks and hospitals. Permanent residents of the kingdom are obliged to adhere to national laws and migration policy of the Schengen zone. In order to avoid revocation of status, it is impossible to leave the territory of the European Union for more than 12 consecutive months without a valid reason.

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Ways of immigration to Sweden

To emigrate from other countries to Sweden, it is necessary to obtain temporary resident status in standard procedure. It is granted for one of the reasons regulated by law. For example, you may relocate for work or professional activities, education, cohabitation with close relatives, or less popular tasks such as a religious mission or intra-corporate transfer.

You will need to maintain a reason for being in the country and regularly renew your residence permit until you meet the inhabitancy and related requirements to open a permanent residence.

Not all residence cards in Sweden are eligible for subsequent naturalization and permanent residency. Time spent in the Kingdom with a residence permit for studies, internships, volunteering, long-term medical treatment, business and family visits are not counted in the period of prior residence required to open a permanent residence.

It is possible to obtain a residence permit on one of these grounds, and while living in Sweden find a reason to apply for a resident immigration card. For example, after graduation there is a chance to stay to look for a job with the appropriate authorization.

An immigration-type residence permit in Sweden includes documents opened on one of the following grounds:

  • Employment.
    To immigrate to Sweden, you can sign a long-term contract with a local employer. Your salary must equal or exceed ⅘ of the national average, i.e., be around 2500 EUR in 2024. Priority for employment is given to local citizens, EU and EEC residents. Other foreigners get a job on a residual principle, if the vacancy is not occupied by Swedish employees. It is important to have life, health, pension insurance and related documents (usually arranged by the employer).
  • Highly skilled jobs.
    People with a highly demanded specialty that is of interest to the EU economy can apply for an EU Blue Card to move to Sweden. The residence permit is granted upon signing an employment contract for at least 12 months with a monthly salary of one and a half times the average salary in the kingdom (i.e., from 4700 EUR). It is necessary to provide a university diploma in the specialty or prove 5 years of relevant experience by documents. The EU Blue Card gives the holder special preferences, including the opening of a permanent residence 4 years after the relocation and accumulation of work experience.
  • Scientific and research.
    Immigration is possible at the invitation of the Swedish Research Council for the fulfillment of scientific tasks in the field of study. It is necessary to prove the availability of funds for self-support at the level of 850 EUR for each month of stay in the kingdom. As in the case of the Blue Card, it is possible to open a permanent residence permit after 48 months of living and working with this type of residence permit. Scientific researchers can include close relatives in the application for residency, provided that they are financially secured.
  • Starting a business.
    It is possible to move to Sweden for permanent residence by registering a company in the kingdom. First, the business plan is reviewed by the authorities, who are convinced of its prospects. It is also necessary to be listed as the founder of the enterprise, to have start-up capital for the realization of conceived tasks, to prove knowledge of Swedish or English at a conversational level. A residence permit is granted on condition of sufficient financial security - approximately 17 700 EUR for the main applicant, 8850 EUR for the spouse and another 4400 EUR for the children.
  • Reunification with family members.
    Current options for moving to Sweden include reunification with a spouse or close relatives, such as children or parents. It is possible to immigrate to a citizen of the Kingdom, EU or EEC. It is allowed to move to a Swedish resident who holds an immigration-type residence card, including permanent residence. The inviting person must have sufficient living space to reunite with relatives and a stable income to provide for them. The time limit for opening a residence permit in this case depends on the immigrant status and the host person.
  • Asylum.
    You can go to Sweden as a refugee if you can prove that it is impossible for you to live in your home country because of an objective threat to your life and health. Not all applications are approved: you need a strong case with real evidence of your asylum-seeking history. In the case of refugee processing, you first receive a temporary residence permit, and after three years you can replace it with a permanent one. It is also possible to open subsidiary protection, which happens in exceptional situations, e.g., if the applicant has been sentenced to death in his/her home country.
  • Religious activity.
    Immigration to Sweden is possible for foreign monks and missionaries who come here at the invitation of the relevant religious organizations for a period of more than 12 months. If you plan to engage in additional activities, such as lecturing on worship, you will need a separate work permit. A certificate of subsistence in the state or an assurance from a guarantor that he or she is assuming your maintenance is required.
  • Intra-company transfer.
    In EU countries there is a special authorization for ICT - intra-company transfer. In Sweden, it can be obtained if you come from a non-EU/EEC country to work in the local branch of an international company. This applies to those who will be working as a manager or specialist, or who will be doing an internship at the company. It is necessary to prove with documents that you have been employed by the company for at least three months, have relevant experience and qualifications. You will also need to prove that you are authorized the professional activity in Sweden if it is a regulated profession.

The easiest way to move to Sweden for permanent residence is with a passport of one of the EU countries. EU citizens have the right to reside in the kingdom for an unlimited period of time without additional requirements and without searching for a reason to open a residence permit. You can analyze the chances of obtaining an EU passport for up to 12-14 months with the help of Immigrantinlaw migration specialists.

Requirements to the applicant for a permanent residence and conditions for relocation to Sweden

The main condition for obtaining a permanent residence permit is that you must have resided in Sweden for five years uninterrupted with an immigration-type residence permit. During this period, you can stay abroad for up to 6 consecutive months or 10 months in total. Sometimes the period of stay is reduced, for example, for those who live and work in the kingdom for 4 years in total from the seven-year period preceding the date of application. The applicant also needs to meet the following requirements:

  • a valid immigration-type resident card;
  • sufficient and stable financial security to support yourself and your dependents;
  • proof of identity, including provision of a passport and fingerprinting;
  • law-abidingness, absence of significant offenses during the entire period of residence in the kingdom.

How to relocate to Sweden for a permanent residence

To move to Sweden, it is necessary to make the following steps:

  • Organizational and documentary preparations.
    At the first stage you need to find a reason to immigrate to the kingdom, make sure that you meet the conditions for opening a residence permit, prepare a dossier, think over the logistics of the move.
  • Opening a residence permit.
    The initial residence permit must be applied for at the Swedish diplomatic mission in the country where you currently live. You need to make an appointment, provide documents, be fingerprinted, photographed and interviewed.
  • Obtaining a visa, or residence permit.
    If you can visit Sweden under the visa-free regime, the consul will immediately issue you a residence card. Otherwise, you will receive a national visa at the diplomatic mission, with which you cross the border of the kingdom, and upon arrival you will be sent a residence permit by post to your address of registration.
  • Inhabitancy with a residence permit and its prolongation.
    Usually, a Swedish residence permit of immigration duration is issued for a maximum of 3 years, after which it can be renewed by applying in person to the migration agency. You need to renew the residence permit before the revocation of the current document, but not earlier than 6 months before this date. After living with a temporary residence permit for the established period of time, you can apply for a permanent residence permit.
  • Registration of a permanent resident status.
    To obtain a permanent residence permit, you will need to complete the 138011 form in person and send it to the migration agency together with a package of documents. The authorities will review the application and, if approved, will invite you to be photographed and fingerprinted. The permanent residence card will be sent upon readiness by post.

Collection and submission of the documents

To apply for a residence permit, you need to collect a dossier and send it to the Swedish Migration Agency at Box 3100, 903 03 Umeå. The list of required documents includes:

  • copies of passport pages, including those for visa stickers;
  • proof of financial security, e.g., information on income from a tax agency;
  • proof of residence in the Kingdom and its value (rental or purchase agreement for real estate);
  • copy of a bank statement or receipt for payment of the registration fee.

A criminal record certificate is not required: the Swedish authorities obtain information about the applicant's lawfulness from their own sources. Documents issued abroad must be officially translated and notarized. The exact period of consideration of requests for permanent residence is not established by law, but on average is about 6-8 months. Additionally, you will need to spend about one month to prepare the documents, as the bureaucratic services of the kingdom do not work too fast.

Validity period and prolongation of Swedish permanent residence

The status of a Swedish permanent resident is valid without time limit, but from time to time the resident card itself needs to be changed. A permanent residence permit is issued for a standard period of five years. To prolong the document, it is necessary to personally visit the migration service each time, submit fingerprints and take a photo. This can be done not earlier than 3 months before the expiration date of the current permanent resident card. You will also have to pay the administrative fee in full again.

Permanent residence in Sweden is revoked if you have been deported from the kingdom or if you pose a threat to public order. The document is revoked if it turns out that for its registration were used false data or knowingly concealed important information. It is also revoked if you have been abroad for six consecutive months or have been out of the European Union for 12 months or more. If you obtain permanent residence status in another EU country, it is revoked in Sweden.

You can apply for Swedish citizenship as soon as you become a permanent resident. It is necessary to be of legal age, have enough finances for self-sufficiency, do not violate local laws during the entire period of stay in the kingdom. In the case of a criminal record, naturalization is possible, but only with an increase in the period of residence in the country, which depends, in turn, on the duration of imprisonment. Children can be included in the application for citizenship, provided that the second parent agrees to this.

It is possible to get all the rights of a Swedish citizen immediately with an EU passport. In some countries, second EU citizenship is granted without prior residence with residence permit/permanent residence, information about income and language proficiency. You can find out the details at a free legal consultation Immigrantinlaw.

Peculiarities of moving to Sweden for permanent residence

Immigration to Sweden should start with the paperwork, renting or buying a residential place, and finding sources of income. Families with children should find out about the availability of places in kindergartens and schools, and if the child is older - the prospects of enrolling in university at their own or state expense.

Moving without knowledge of the language

Swedish is a difficult language of the Scandinavian group, which is not always possible to learn even if you live in the country permanently. Many residents speak fluent English, which makes immigration easier if you know it at least at the B1 level. At the same time, employers generally welcome those who speak Swedish, especially when it comes to national rather than international companies.

Social security

The Swedish social system is well-developed, so every legal resident can receive financial assistance in difficult situations. The Försäkringskassan is the social insurance fund. Basic benefits include:

  • payments after the birth of a child (maternity);
  • money for the children, which are paid until the child reaches the age of 16;
  • state alimony for single parents;
  • housing subsidy, assistance for home improvement;
  • allowance for persons unable to work;
  • different types of pensions (e.g., retirement and disability pensions).

Labor market and salaries

It is worth moving to Sweden for decent salaries, even for unskilled personnel. The average monthly income “net” in the kingdom is about 2700 EUR, and before taxes - about 4000 EUR. Even without work experience, language skills and special qualifications you can earn from 1500-1800 EUR after taxes. With a residence permit card unlimited employment is available, except for positions in the public sector. Doctors, IT-specialists, engineers, teachers, ecologists are in the greatest demand.

Kindergarten and school

Sweden has public and private kindergartens, including nursery schools. The cost of attendance can be partially paid by the country, provided that both parents are employed. Schools in the kingdom are predominantly free, and their attendance is compulsory for every child between the ages of 6 and 18 (or until the end of the educational program). After moving, it is possible to send your child to an integration class for a year, where there is an emphasis on in-depth Swedish language learning and adaptation to society. In the final school years, there is an emphasis on individualized study of major subjects before university.

Relocation of retired persons

A pension in Sweden usually consists of several parts: allmän pension is paid by the state, tjänstepension is paid by your former employer, and you are allowed to have your own pension savings. The final payment depends on the seniority and salary. Those who have not accumulated the necessary seniority are not entitled to a pension, but can apply for additional financial support, such as housing subsidies and social benefits - äldreförsörjningsstöd. The right also applies to permanent residents of the kingdom.

How much money is required for the relocation

To immigrate to Sweden, you need to pay administrative fees for documents, translator, notary, real-estate agent, and migration specialists. Money will be needed to transport things, buy tickets, rent housing. While waiting for permanent residence, you will need to pay monthly living expenses. Approximate prices of different categories of costs are presented in the table below.

Category of costsCost, €
Visa for entering the country60
Primary residence permit130–193
Prolongation of residence permit130–193
Obtaining permanent resident status88
Notary services10–15 (per page)
Rent of one-bedroom apartment700–900
Real-estate agent services100 % of the monthly rental fee
Daily expenses (per person)900 per months
Monthly utilities150–200
Shipping of the stuff by post30 per actual kg.

Why is it worth to move to Sweden

Sweden is one of the most favorable countries in the world for relocation, which is confirmed by global rankings. In the ranking of the quality-of-life index by Numbeo and Take Profit, the kingdom ranks 10th. The average monthly salary here is about 3 times higher than the estimated costs per person, and in case of lack of means one can apply for social support. Insurance medicine is well developed in the country, and the average life expectancy reaches 82-85 years. The pros of Sweden also include a high level of WFP, quality education and a high level of security.

The disadvantages of moving to Sweden include the difficulty of legalization of stay. The list residence permits of immigration types here is significantly limited, and to get a work and residence permit or open a business in practice is possible only if you have a good level of foreign language and an in-demand profession. The disadvantages of the kingdom include a high level of bureaucracy, queues in hospitals, limited offers in the real estate market. Life in Sweden is quite expensive, but this is justified by the population's income and high purchasing power.

Feedback from those, who have relocated to Sweden

According to the reviews of immigrants who have moved to Sweden, you can understand that it is a complicated and long procedure. The migration policy of the kingdom is very strict, so it is extremely difficult to get here for permanent residence without relatives, investments or an in-demand profession. The process of opening a residence permit stretches for 1-2 years, the subsequent re-registration of residency takes another 6-8 months. As a result, in fact, from the moment of applying to the consulate for a residence permit to obtain a permanent residence permit many people take 7-8 years, taking into account the waiting and collection of documents. To speed up the procedure, foreigners enlist the help of lawyers.

Immigrants inform that it is better to move to large Swedish cities like Stockholm or Malmö. Here is the most developed labor market, there are chances for successful business, study in popular universities and rent a comfortable apartment. Smaller cities are also have everything necessary for comfort, but there may be difficulties with work. Immigrants note that the Swedish language is difficult to master, so it is better to study it in advance and improve it at least to level B1. Immigrants also advise to tune in to the leisurely rhythm of life that Swedes are used to.

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Available options for legal relocation to Sweden

Sweden's migration policy is quite strict. A number of grounds for immigration here is significantly limited, including the inability to legalize stay through the purchase of real estate or investment in the economy of the kingdom. Obtaining a residence permit is available only after 5 years after moving, during which it is necessary to maintain a legitimate reason for living and owning a residence permit, as well as to have a stable and legal source of income.

It is possible to obtain all the rights of a Swedish permanent resident if you have a passport of one of the EU countries. Citizens of the EU and EEC are free to choose their place of residence within the association, and to fulfill any special conditions for opening a residence permit is not required. You can live in the territory of the kingdom with access to work, study, do business, including moving with family members without additional requirements.

In some EU countries there are simplified programs for obtaining citizenship. It is possible to obtain a second passport within up to a year, without first opening a residence permit, providing information on income or passing a language exam. International law specialists Immigrantinlaw help to analyze the chances of participating in such a procedure. Lawyers analyze in detail the situation and the applicant's biography, and accompany the applicant step-by-step to obtain citizenship of an EU country.

About the author

Diane Weber is an international law specialist with 10 years of legal practice experience. Her portfolio includes successful stories of citizenship in different European Union countries under simplified procedures. Diana provides detailed advice and helps many people to achieve their immigration goals in a short period of time, including resolving visa issues, assisting in obtaining residence permits and citizenship in the EU countries. In her blog, Diana Weber enjoys providing readers with detailed information about the features of most popular programs for obtaining a second passport.

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