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Residency in Hungary

Residency in Hungary

A residence permit in Hungary is a document with which one can temporarily stay in the country on a legal basis, for example, when buying real estate or getting a job in a local company, as an investor or digital nomad, for studying or research. The standard term of validity of a resident card is from 1 to 3 years, in exceptional cases - for 4 years or 10 years, sometimes with the right to extend. The document is issued to those who have a place of residence and means for existence in the state. The granting of Hungarian residence permit is regulated by the law “On General Rules for the Entry and Residence of Third Country Nationals”.

Hungary is a member of the European Union, so local residents are entitled to visa-free travel to the countries of the association. Subsequently, an immigration-type residence permit can be replaced by a permanent residence permit, as well as apply for EU citizenship by naturalization. With a Hungarian passport it is possible to reside in any EU country with access to work, study, commercial activities. From the moment of opening the primary residence permit in Hungary to obtaining citizenship in the usual manner takes from 8 years.

The easiest way to legalize your stay in Hungary is to apply for EU citizenship in other countries of the association under a simplified procedure. With the support of specialized lawyers at Immigrantinlaw, it takes up to 12 months to obtain a second passport. You can analyze the chances of participating in the accelerated program at a free consultation.

Advantages of obtaining a Hungarian residence permit

The status of temporary resident of Hungary will give you access to the following:

  • stay in a European state for the period specified in the document with the right to leave and return without a visa;
  • the prospect of prolongation of residence permit, permanent residence permit and EU passport;
  • freedom to travel within the Schengen zone countries in the regime of “90 days of total stay within six months”;
  • reduced tax burden, e.g., reduced VAT for certain industries in the amount of 5% of sales;
  • employment rights in private and public companies;
  • opening of accounts in reliable European banks with international transfer systems, mortgage and credit lines unavailable to non-residents;
  • the possibility to obtain similar status and Hungarian documents for family members;
  • higher education in prestigious universities with the prospect of profitable employment in an EU country;
  • registration and business activity within the single market of Europe with free movement of goods and services;
  • participation in the social and pension insurance system, receiving benefits and subsidies due to status;
  • service in clinics within the European Union with unified medical insurance.

Types of residence permit in Hungary

Residence permit in Hungary is categorized according to the basis for its obtainment, e.g., for:

  • invited investors;
  • ensuring family coexistence;
  • seasonal work;
  • volunteer activities;
  • scientific research;
  • self-employment.

There are highly specialized types of residency, such as the White Card of Hungary - the document of a digital nomad, or Magyar Kártya for specialists in certain professions, artists and athletes. Any of the temporary residence permits is a plastic card of the EU standard, with the holder's photo, personal data and fingerprints encrypted in a chip. The residence card can be used in Hungary itself and in the territory of Schengen countries for identification and visa-free travel.

Processing of Hungarian residence permit

In order to obtain a Hungarian national residence permit, it is necessary to prove that there is a reason for long-term residence in the country. Suitable grounds for relocation are listed in the relevant law and are also available on the official website of the General Directorate of Immigration. On average, it takes up to 60-70 days from the moment of submission of the request for residency. In exceptional situations, applications are processed faster, e.g., a residence permit for medical treatment is granted within three weeks (up to 8 days for a child).

The cost of Hungarian residency depends on the basis on which the document is requested. Usually, the price of a residence permit (state duty) is 110 EUR, taking into account the opening of a national visa. Additional costs will be incurred for the execution of documents, including their translation and notarization, as well as for the organization of visits to state authorities and relocation to Hungary.

Selection of the grounds for obtaining a residence permit

It`s possible to apply for temporary residence permit in Hungary on one of the following grounds:

  • Work.
    In case of employment on a vacant position in a Hungarian company, you can obtain a temporary residence permit of the immigration type. This will require the submission of a work contract. A short-term residence permit (for a maximum of 6 months) is issued for seasonal work. In some cases, it is possible to apply for a special Hungarian card, which is issued to representatives of free professions, including coaches, producers, artists. Temporary residence permits are also issued to business travelers, for intra-corporate transfers or work for the media (mass media).
  • EU Blue Card.
    A special type of working residence permit can be obtained by highly qualified specialists who conclude an employment contract with a company from Hungary for a period of at least 6 months. The salary in this case must be at least 2000 EUR per month (1500 EUR for medical personnel). It will be necessary to prove relevant experience or higher education in the specialty, e.g., with a diploma or a work record book. Blue Card is Hungarian residence permit, which can be granted for 4 years with the right to renew.
  • Investment.
    The Hungarian residence permit is granted for investments in the national economy with a minimum amount of 250,000 EUR. This amount can be used to purchase investment certificates of a real estate fund that is registered in the state banking system. An alternative is a donation of one million EUR to support educational, scientific, artistic creative activities directed to one of the local accredited universities. It is an immigration-type residence permit with the right to naturalization, which is granted for 10 years at once.
  • Purchase of real estate.
    From 01.01.2025 in Hungary the option of obtaining residency through the purchase of real estate comes into force. It is possible to purchase only a residential property (apartment, house) without lawsuits, encumbrances and claims, with a value of at least 500,000 EUR. The property must be registered in the National Register and physically located on Hungarian territory. It is possible to buy one property for several owners, and each of them will also receive a residence card, provided that their share is valued at least half a million EUR. The residence card is granted for a ten-year period.
  • Family circumstances.
    The right to temporary residence in Hungary is granted to family members of local citizens and residents. Spouses (registered partners), minor children, parents (if the invitee is under 18 years of age) can apply for a residence permit. Exceptionally, residency is also granted to other relatives, such as brothers, sisters, mother or father of an adult Hungarian resident, provided that this person needs care or is dependent on the host party. Requesting family reunification is not possible for holders of a residence permit for internships, studies, seasonal work, self-employment, medical treatment, volunteering, and digital nomads.
  • Education.
    You can obtain a residence permit if you are enrolled as a full-time student at a nationally recognized university. A residence permit is also issued for participation in preparatory courses organized by an accredited university and for student mobility under an agreement with other EU countries. The student will need to prove that he/she has sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction to understand the program course. It is also necessary to provide a certificate of enrollment in the university and a certificate of payment for the educational course. Minor students attach written permission from their parents to obtain a residence permit.
  • Self-employment.
    Hungarian residency is granted to those who can perform an activity on their own for remuneration (e.g., as a self-employed person or a representative of a company). It is a non-immigrant residence permit: it is granted for a maximum of one year with the right to extend it for another 24 months, but no longer. During the first 12 months of residence, the resident also cannot request reunification with family members. Subsequently, it is possible to reclassify this residence permit to another one, e.g., to open a business in Hungary.
  • Business conduction.
    Foreigners have the right to register a company in Hungary and obtain a residence permit with a two-year validity period and the right to renew it. The amount of the authorized capital and the scope of the company's activity are not regulated by law. In order to obtain a residence permit it is necessary to submit a document on opening a business on the Hungarian territory and an extract from the Hungarian Commercial Register. The residence permit for entrepreneurs is of the immigration type and also gives the right to request reunification with family members.
  • White card.
    The digital nomad document is granted to those who work remotely for a foreign company and use advanced digital technology solutions in their activities. The same right is available to the owners and management staff of the respective companies. The applicant's monthly income must be equal to or exceed 3000 EUR after taxes. The White Card in Hungary is issued for 12 months with the right to a single extension for the same period, i.e., it is a non-immigrant residence permit.
  • Humanitarian reasons.
    Hungary accepts refugees who cannot reside in their home country for objective reasons, e.g., there are active hostilities there or there is a fact of discrimination against the applicant with threats to his/her life and health. Each request is examined by the migration and law enforcement authorities on a case-by-case basis. Refugees are restricted in their rights, including not being allowed to use their passport or visit their home country. Not every application is approved, especially if the applicant has a chance to receive assistance and protection at home.
  • Other grounds.
    The right to reside in Hungary can be obtained for long-term medical treatment, to participate in scientific research, as a volunteer or trainee, to find a job or to start a business after completing studies. In each of these cases, the purpose of the move must be documented, such as an invitation from a specialized clinic, a contract with a research institute or a voluntary organization. These residence permits are of the non-immigrant type, valid for 1-2 years and do not allow naturalization in the state.

The types of residence permit popular among foreigners, such as those for financially independent persons and for pensioners, do not exist in Hungary. International law specialists at Immigrantinlaw will analyze your situation and choose the best way to move to the EU state. Sign up for a free consultation now!

Preparation of documents

To obtain a temporary residence permit in Hungary, you will need to prepare the following:

  • an application in the prescribed form, completed and signed in person;
  • valid identity document (passport for travel abroad);
  • proof of the reason for immigration (e.g., real estate or civil status certificate);
  • bank statement or similar proof of sufficient regular income to support oneself;
  • proof of residence in the state, such as a lease agreement for an apartment;
  • EU medical insurance with a minimum coverage of 30 thousand EUR;
  • proof of the right to legally cross the state border (usually a visa);
  • a receipt of the state fee for the application;
  • written permission from parents or legal representatives for immigration for minors.

The basic dossier is supplemented with documents according to the reason for the residence permit. For example, students will need a certificate of tuition fees, and investors will need proof of the legality of the funds invested in the economy. Documents in any language other than Hungarian need to be translated and notarized, sometimes an apostille is also required. Usually, the file is submitted to the diplomatic mission in the country of the applicant's permanent residence. If you are already in Hungary, you can apply in person at the immigration office or through the online service Enter Hungry.

Requirements to the applicant for a residence permit

The general requirements to be met in order to obtain the right of residence in Hungary include:

  • having a basis for local residency;
  • consent to be photographed and to submit biometric data (including fingerprints);
  • sufficient financial security to cover the costs of staying in the country independently;
  • prior registration of a health insurance policy or availability of funds to cover unforeseen expenses for treatment without it;
  • availability of a place to live in Hungary, including rented property;
  • legally crossing the border of the state, which is confirmed by documentation;
  • not posing a threat to national security or public health of the country's residents;
  • no entry ban to Hungary or inclusion in the list of inadmissible persons in the Schengen Information System.

Additional conditions for granting residency depend on the reason for which it is granted. For example, an applicant for the EU Blue Card will need to prove proper experience and/or education in a profession, and a student will need to pass a language test.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Hungary

  1. Verification of immigration eligibility and preparation of documents.
    It is necessary to find a suitable basis for obtaining a residence permit, make sure that you meet the requirements and conditions for issuance, and then collect and properly prepare the relevant immigrant dossier.
  2. Submitting a request to the diplomatic mission.
    If the foreigner cannot come to Hungary without a visa, a request for residence permit should be submitted to the consulate/embassy in the country of permanent residence. The application is considered for up to 2 months (most often), and after approval, a D visa is issued. The document gives the right to enter Hungary once, the visa is valid for 90 days from the date of the consular decision to issue it.
  3. Moving and obtaining a residence permit.
    With a national visa you will need to move to Hungary within 3 months (preferably up to 2 months), register and apply for a residence permit at the National General Directorate of Immigration. You end up with a plastic resident card, which is usually valid from 6 months to 3 years. The residence permit is sent by post, in exceptional cases you can pick it up in person at the migration office.

      Those who are entitled to enter Hungary without a visa can apply for a residence permit immediately upon arrival in the state. This can be done in two ways:

      • electronically through the Enter Hungry online service, with scanned copies of documents;
      • in person at the regional immigration office in the place of residence registration.

      After the request is approved, the resident card will be sent to the holder by post to the place of residence in Hungary. The total time of receiving the document is 3-4 months, taking into account the preparation of the dossier and organization of the move.

      Special preferences when moving to Hungary have citizens of the European Union and the EEA, who receive a special certificate for residence in the country without looking for immigration grounds. With a passport of an EU country you can work, study, do business in the state on the same rights as locals. More information is provided by specialized Immigrantinlaw lawyers at the consultation.

      Refusal in issuance of Hungarian residence permit

      Hungarian residence permit is not granted in case of non-compliance with at least one of the requirements to the applicant (insufficient financial security or lack of a place to register residence in the country). Often requests are rejected because of mistakes in the formation of the dossier, for example, the lack of any of the documents, incorrect translation or absence of a notary stamp. Deny residence permit by decision of law enforcement agencies and security services, if the applicant is recognized as persona non grata, including in other countries of the European Union and Schengen zone.

      It is possible to immigrate to Hungary for sure with the support of international law specialists at Immigrantinlaw. Dedicated lawyers recommend the best options for obtaining a residence permit or passport in Europe. Step-by-step support of a specialist eliminates the risk of mistakes in the immigration process and makes the procedure simple and fast. International lawyers take care of most of the tasks, including preparing the right dossier and organizing appointments with the authorities. You can find out more information at a free consultation.

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