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How to Get Сitizenship of Slovenia

How to Get Сitizenship of Slovenia

Applicants can obtain Slovenian citizenship through naturalization programs (ordinary or accelerated), through the restoration of previously lost status, or on the basis of ethnic affiliation. In most cases, the applicant must fulfill the requirement for a residence census in the country, be law-abiding, integrated into the local community, have no criminal record, tax debts, and a passport abroad. The holder of the identity card of the Republic of Slovenia is simultaneously a citizen of the European Union.

In 2025 with a Slovenian passport, a foreigner has the right to live in any of the EU countries, travel through the territories of the Schengen Agreement without visa restrictions, get a job or develop a business within the European Economic Area. The norms for granting status are regulated by the law “On Citizenship of Slovenia” dated 06/25/1991. Details about obtaining an EU passport (terms, cost, grounds, categories of applicants) are given in this article.

Categories of persons who have access to Slovenian citizenship

Applicants who can apply for Slovenian citizenship are those who:

  • have at least one relative in the direct ascending line up to 4 generations from among the local citizens;
  • are naturalized immigrants, observing the necessary residence census in the republic;
  • previously had the status of a citizen and intend to restore it;
  • have shown special merits to the state;
  • are under the protection of the country under one of the humanitarian programs established by law.

In most cases, applicants for a Slovenian citizen’s passport need to be over eighteen years old, have no criminal record, write a refusal from a similar document in their home country, have sufficient income and a place of registration (residence) in the republic. All categories of naturalized applicants are required to live in the state from one year to ten years at the time of application. Also, foreigners should demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge of the Slovenian language for communication, agree to pronounce the text of the oath when receiving a certificate of citizenship, undertake to comply with the norms of the republican constitution.

At a free consultation, Immigrantinlaw specialists explain the nuances of an expedited move to Slovenia. Their lawyers assist clients in legally obtaining Slovenian citizenship in the shortest time possible.

How to obtain Slovenian citizenship

Applicants can obtain a Slovenian passport by right of birth, as naturalized persons in the usual or simplified manner, through repatriation and restoration. Also, the identity card of the republic is provided to immigrants for valuable services to the state. According to the constitution, it is impossible to buy Slovenian citizenship in 2023 - for investments or in any other way. Investing funds is possible in opening a company in the territory of the republic and subsequent registration of a residence permit with the right to naturalization. Children born in Slovenia to foreign parents receive parental citizenship - the “right of soil” in the state does not apply.

Foreigners holding a passport of another EU country can have the privileges of a Slovenian citizen. Citizens of the union are equal to each other in the ability to choose a place of permanent residence in any of the EU countries without bureaucratic conditions and documentary requirements.

Right of birth

The status of a Slovenian citizen is automatically assigned to a child if he also has at least one of the parents (the country where the birth took place does not matter). Persons living abroad but having a Slovenian national identity card can request a passport of the republic for children through a diplomatic representation. These conditions also apply to legal guardians and adopters of minors. Applicants older than 18 but younger than 36 can independently apply for Slovenian citizenship, provided that they are children of citizens of the republic (at least one of them).


Foreigners who do not have an ethnic connection with Slovenia most often claim local citizenship as naturalized persons. Applicants over the age of 18 who have legally resided in the republic for at least ten years and have a permanent resident card have the right to apply. The applicant must meet the basic requirements for a candidate, form a corresponding dossier, pay fees, and take an oath. Naturalization begins with the foreigner moving to Slovenia, where he/she receives a permit for temporary residence, extends it, after a five-year period - changes to permanent residence, and after another 60 months applies for citizenship.

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Simplified naturalization

A number of persons have the right to naturalize in Slovenia with a reduced residence census:

  • Owners of a humanitarian residency card.
    Simplified citizenship is provided for refugees, persons who have applied for temporary or international asylum. Applicants in these categories can apply for a Slovenian passport after five years of residence in the country. Stateless persons - individuals without citizenship who have grounds for being in the country - have a similar right.
  • Former local university students.
    Foreigners who have successfully completed an educational course and have become diploma holders at a university, academy, or other higher education institution in the country are entitled to obtain a Slovenian passport seven years instead of ten from the opening of the primary residence permit. This rule was introduced due to the increased demand for qualified specialists in the local labor market.
  • Spouses of Slovenians.
    Persons who are in a legal marriage with Slovenian passport holders have the opportunity to apply for a similar identity document a year after immigrating to the country. Applicants can apply no earlier than 36 months after the conclusion of the marital union. Slovenian migration authorities necessarily check international marriages for fictitiousness.
  • Persons who have special merits to the country.
    Applicants whose activities have brought significant benefits to the republic - for example, in the field of scientific research, development of the economic sector, or international promotion of local culture - can become owners of a Slovenian passport a year after immigration. The granting of citizenship in this case is initiated not by a foreigner, but by an authorized representative of the relevant ministry (for example, culture and sports).


Persons who previously owned a Slovenian passport and lost it as a result of forced deprivation can reapply for an identity document. Requests are considered by the authorities individually, taking into account the national interests of the state.


Obtaining a Slovenian passport by roots is available for applicants who have or had persons owning a similar identity document in their family up to 4 generations. The applicant must confirm his ethnic affiliation to the state, for example, by a birth certificate of a suitable relative, as well as other documents substantiating the applicant’s connection with the corresponding person.

All details of an easy move to Slovenia can be discussed with Immigrantinlaw’s legal experts during a free consultation. They help clients swiftly and lawfully secure Slovenian citizenship.

Required documents

The basic dossier of an applicant for a Slovenian passport looks like this:

  • identity card;
  • proof of exit from previous citizenship;
  • valid permanent resident card;
  • income certificate or its equivalent;
  • confirmation of the absence of convictions;
  • civil status certificates (if applicable);
  • language certificate;
  • check for payment of the administrative fee;
  • filled application of the established sample.

Foreign documents must be translated into Slovenian by an authorized person, notarized, and apostilled.

Step-by-step procedure of obtaining Slovenian citizenship

  1. Analysis of the legislation of the republic.
    The applicant should decide on a suitable basis for applying for citizenship and obtaining a primary residence permit with subsequent immigration.
  2. Application for temporary residence.
    If a foreigner is outside the republic, he should contact the consulate or embassy of Slovenia and arrange a resident card if there is one of the legislative grounds.
  3. Immigration and observance of the census of sedentary.
    After arranging residency, a foreigner moves to Slovenia, where he registers at the local municipality and stays in the republic for the established period. If applicable, the applicant extends the residence permit over time, and after 5 years after immigration, he obtains the status of a permanent resident.
  4. Application for citizenship.
    After observing the norms for preliminary residence in the republic and in accordance with other criteria, the applicant needs to visit the nearest administrative unit of Slovenia and apply for citizenship status.
  5. Obtaining a passport.
    Upon approval of the request, the foreigner again arrives at the authorized body, pronounces the text of the oath, and receives a certificate of naturalization. With this document, the immigrant is entitled to issue an identity card and a Slovenian passport for travel abroad.

Passport of Slovenian citizen: what it looks like and what it gives to the holder

The internal Slovenian identity card is a plastic card with the owner’s biometric data encrypted in the chip. The document can be used by the owner inside the republic and for travel within the Schengen area. For other trips, the applicant is entitled to issue a foreign passport. The document of a single EU sample has a burgundy cover and pages for visas. A Slovenian foreign passport gives the owner access to such privileges:

  • travel to 172 countries without entry permits, including all countries of Europe, North and South America (except Guyana), Australia;
  • living in any point of the EU without additional bureaucratic procedures and time restrictions;
  • official employment in EU countries on equal terms with the local population;
  • purchase of residential and commercial real estate in most EU countries, in some countries - also land plots;
  • protection of civil rights on the territory of the republic and abroad;
  • social support, assistance with integration into society, benefits and privileges due by status;
  • simplified arrangement of Slovenian citizenship for close relatives;
  • unlimited access to European education and healthcare systems.

Immigrantinlaw lawyers offer a free consultation on the streamlined process of obtaining Slovenian residency and a passport, guiding clients through a fast, legal transition to Slovenia.

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Dual citizenship in Slovenia

There are no signed agreements “On Dual Citizenship” between Slovenia and the rest of the world. The legislation of the republic also prohibits local passport holders from having a similar identity document abroad. The right to a second citizenship is only available to refugees, repatriates, applicants restoring previously lost status in Slovenia, and minors. The opportunity to keep a passport abroad is available to immigrants who cannot refuse it due to force majeure circumstances.

Assistance in obtaining a second passport

Applicants for a passport of a developed European country can use the help of professionals in the field of jurisprudence to obtain citizenship of Slovenia or another EU country. International law specialists offer clients optimal ways to arrange the requested document, depending on the request and pedigree of the applicant, and provide turnkey support. Migration lawyers Immigrantinlaw perform most of the tasks instead of the applicant, from forming a dossier to organizing visits to government bodies, and do everything necessary to successfully achieve the planned result.

About the author

Diane Weber is an international law specialist with 10 years of legal practice experience. Her portfolio includes successful stories of citizenship in different European Union countries under simplified procedures. Diana provides detailed advice and helps many people to achieve their immigration goals in a short period of time, including resolving visa issues, assisting in obtaining residence permits and citizenship in the EU countries. In her blog, Diana Weber enjoys providing readers with detailed information about the features of most popular programs for obtaining a second passport.

Комментарии (4)

I need your assistance to obtain EU citizenship. Please advise me the best possible solution.

Reply Answers (1)

Hello! If you’re looking to obtain EU citizenship, I recommend leaving a request on our website, where our experts can review your case and provide tailored advice. Wishing you success in your journey!

Reply Answers (1)

hello i need to ask any one can apply for this citizenship

Reply Answers (1)

Hello! Yes, you may be eligible to apply for Slovenian citizenship through a simplified procedure. For detailed information, please contact us for a consultation.

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