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Swedish citizenship

Swedish citizenship

Swedish citizenship is the legal relationship between the country and you as an individual. According to the national laws of the state, it is “formal membership in society and the basis of democracy”. Citizenship status gives you the right to work, study, do business, receive social support in any of the countries of the European Union. You can get a passport of the Kingdom of Sweden within the framework of regular or accelerated naturalization. Less often, foreigners execute a document by birth or notification (relevant for people from 18 to 21 years old, who have been living in the state since the age of 13).

In order to naturalize in Sweden, you will need to live here for 5 years in the status of resident and have a permanent residence card. Also, the conditions for acquiring citizenship include documented proof of identity and an orderly lifestyle. It is not necessary to pass a language test or demonstrate the level of income, but financial security is checked at the stage of registration of permanent residence. The nuances of obtaining a passport of the kingdom are regulated by the law “Om svenskt medborgarskap” under the number 2001:82, according to which Sweden allows multiple citizenship.

It is possible to learn about the way to quickly obtain the rights of a Swedish citizen, without a five-year waiting period and prior residence in the country, at a consultation with dedicated lawyers Immigrantinlaw. International law specialists recommend advantageous state immigration programs according to your request. Sign up for a free consultation.

What are the benefits of Swedish citizenship

As a Swedish citizen, you will receive the following advantages:

  • free visit to more than 160 visa-free countries, including all of North and South America, Europe, Australia, most Asian territories;
  • residence in any of the EU states for an unlimited period of time without searching for a reason to open a residence permit;
  • employment in the EU territory, and in Sweden - also in public positions, for example, in government or law enforcement;
  • education at prestigious European universities, including at budgetary expense or by participating in grant and scholarship programs;
  • representing business interests internationally, including selling goods and services on the Single European Market;
  • support of the state in its territory and abroad, from receiving social assistance to applying to diplomatic missions;
  • obtaining Swedish documents for spouse, children and close relatives (e.g., parents);
  • unlimited health insurance, including partial coverage from the state treasury;
  • service in popular banks on special conditions for citizens of the state, for example, the right to apply for a mortgage at 4.4%.

Swedish citizenship: current options of obtainment

The list of grounds for issuing a Swedish passport for foreigners is limited. Most people can obtain a document only by naturalization, with proof of settlement in the kingdom and the status of permanent resident. A simplified procedure exists for citizens of Nordic countries and spouses of Swedes. It is easier to obtain a passport for children who live in the state or have a parent with citizenship of the country. In this case, the right of soil does not apply: if the child was born in a family of foreigners, he/she is not entitled to preferential treatment in automatic citizenship obtainment.

Sweden is an economically developed state, which does not need foreign investments. It is impossible to obtain a passport through large investments in the local economy. As an option, you can use the money to establish a company and register a residence permit, but with it you will still need to live in the country for five years to naturalize. There is also no repatriation program in the kingdom, i.e., the acquisition of citizenship on the basis of ethnic or territorial affiliation.


You can naturalize in Sweden after five years of legal residence, first as a temporary resident, then as a permanent resident. If you leave the country for more than 6 weeks during the year, the absence is deducted from the period of residence. The period of habitancy also does not count as residence if you are in the state with a non-immigrant residence permit, such as one issued for seasonal work, university studies, long-term tourism, volunteer work or internships.

In addition to meeting the residency standards, you will need to:

  • prove your identity, e.g., with a passport;
  • be 18 years of age or older;
  • live an orderly life, i.e., no alimony or tax debts, no cases of lawbreaking and/or no criminal record in the kingdom;
  • have the status of a permanent resident of the state.

The period of provisional residence is reduced to 2 years if you have a Danish, Finnish, Icelandic or Norwegian passport. This is due to mutual agreements between the Nordic countries. Recognized refugees and stateless persons can apply for a passport in the Kingdom 4 years after moving.


Spouses of Swedish citizens can apply for a passport after 3 years of permanent residence in the kingdom. It is important that the marriage or de facto cohabitation lasted for 24 months or more at the time of application. If the spouse has acquired Swedish citizenship not by birth, it is necessary that he or she has had this status for at least 3 years. The authorities assess the applicant's integration into society, availability of sources of income and knowledge of the national language. It is possible to obtain a passport of the kingdom even when living abroad, provided that you have been married to a citizen for at least 10 years.


A child with at least one parent of Swedish nationality automatically has the same legal status. The rule also applies to adopted children under the age of 12 and those whose origins cannot be established. If the parents have different nationalities, the mother or father will need written permission to apply for a passport for the child. Children born to foreigners may apply for citizenship 3 years after immigration on parental application, provided they are permanent residents in the Kingdom.

Notification (application)

Sweden allows simplified naturalization for foreign youth. People between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one who have been living in the kingdom legally since the age of 13 (since 15 in the case of stateless persons) can obtain a passport. A permanent residence card is required, outside of exceptions (for example, if you have been in the country continuously for at least five years).

The other naturalization requirements do not apply in this case. Every EU passport holder has the right to move and access to general civil rights in Sweden. In some EU countries there are accelerated programs for the registration of second citizenship, in the period of up to 12-14 months, without large capital investments and passing the language test. Detailed information is provided by immigration lawyers Immigrantinlaw. Sign up for a free consultation.

Procedure for obtaining citizenship in Sweden

Naturalization in Sweden step by step is as follows:

  1. Finding a reason for moving and a way to obtain a residence permit.
    To begin the process of naturalization, it is necessary to open a residence permit of immigration type with it to move to the kingdom. You can get a residence permit for employment, family or humanitarian reasons, for business or special activities (religious, research, highly qualified). You need to apply for a residence card at the consulate/embassy in your home country, even if you can visit Sweden without a visa. It takes an average of 1-2 years to process the application.
  2. Moving and living with a residence permit.
    If your request is approved at the Swedish embassy, you will be issued a national visa to cross the state border. Upon arrival in the kingdom, you can receive a residence card by mail or after a personal application to the migration agency. If you do not require a visa, the residence card is issued directly at the diplomatic mission. Immigration type documents are usually valid for 1 to 3 years.
  3. Renewing a residence permit.
    You can renew your temporary residence card if you still have a reason to live in Sweden. You will need to collect documents and visit the migration agency a maximum of six months before your current residence permit is revoked. The residence card will be reissued, which will require a photo and fingerprinting. It usually takes 6 to 8 months to re-issue the document.
  4. Obtaining a permanent resident card.
    You can apply for a Swedish permanent residence permit 5 years after you move to the kingdom. The period can be slightly reduced, for example, to 4 years if during this period you worked continuously and paid taxes to the local treasury. You will need to prove financial security and the existence of a place of residence in the country. The status of permanent resident is formalized by sending a letter to the migration agency and then visiting the state agency in person with a package of documents.
  5. Registration of Swedish citizenship.
    After fulfilling the requirements of naturalization, you can make an online application for citizenship through the official website of the migration agency. It is necessary to have an electronic ID card and the ability to pay the administrative fee by card. If the online procedure does not suit you, you can send a letter with your documents and application to Migrationsverket, 601 70 Norrköping. Children under the age of eighteen can be included in the request.
  6. Obtaining Swedish citizenship status.
    The Swedish Migration Agency examines the request (there is no legal deadline for this) and, if approved, sends a decision to your civil registration address. After receiving the answer and the citizenship document, you can proceed to the issuance of national documents, including internal and foreign passports.

Once a year every municipality in Sweden organizes a ceremony for new citizens. Everyone who is registered in the local population register and who has acquired citizenship by means other than birth (including naturalization) within the last 18 months must be invited to the ceremony. At the ceremony, an official reads out the contents of the first paragraph of the Citizenship Act (2014:481).

Dual citizenship in Sweden

Under Swedish law, it is possible to have a second or multiple citizenship. When obtaining a passport, you should make sure that this does not contradict the constitution of your home country. However, “Dual Citizenship” treaties in Sweden have only been signed with a limited number of countries, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Argentina. According to mutual agreements, both states recognize each other's passports, which allows, for example, to choose where to pay taxes and perform compulsory military service.

In the absence of bilateral agreements, Sweden recognizes only its citizenship for the holder of a local passport, although it does not prohibit to have identity cards abroad. On the territory of the kingdom, it is necessary to use only national documents, as well as only with them to cross the state border. Multiple citizenship gives you rights and preferences in each of the respective countries, for example, pensioners can receive two different payments, unless otherwise regulated by additional legal acts.

Expected costs for the different programs

It is not possible to buy a Swedish passport. The use of false documents is punishable by the state and can lead to forced deportation with a ban on re-entry for life. As of 2024, there are no ways to obtain citizenship for investment or through the purchase of real estate. Investment in the Swedish economy does not entitle even to a residence permit, but can be considered as start-up capital to register a business and obtain residency on this basis.

The list of expenses for obtaining Swedish citizenship includes administrative fees at each stage of naturalization, services of a notary, interpreter, migration specialists. The main cost items to be prepared for are presented in the table below.

Category of expensesCost, €
National visa (D category)60
Residence permit130–195 (depends on the ground)
Renewal of residence permitAt the price of initial issuance
Permanent resident card88
Application for a citizenship130
Travel passport44
National ID card35

International law specialists help you to obtain an EU passport with minimal expenses. Dedicated lawyers Immigrantinlaw prepare an individual immigration plan based on your request, explain the pros and cons of each option of the procedure, accompany you step-by-step to a successful result.

What is required to become a Swedish citizenship

In order to become a Swedish citizen, you must meet the requirements to become an applicant, collect the necessary documents and apply to a migration agency.

Dossier for citizenship application

Dossier for naturalization in Sweden:

  • a personally completed application form 316011 in Swedish;
  • original passport of the home country;
  • permanent resident card (PRC);
  • receipt of the administrative fee;
  • civil status certificates (if required).

It is not necessary to confirm information about law-abidingness: the migration agency independently checks the conditions of an orderly life from its own sources. If the documents are issued abroad, you will need an official and notarized translation into Swedish.

What is required to apply for the passport

To apply for a Swedish internal passport, you need to provide proof of identity, such as a current passport or driver's license, along with your citizenship document and a receipt for the state fee. Once the ID card has been obtained, you can request a passport based on it, having also paid the administrative fee in advance.

How to obtain citizenship status for children

You can also include your minor children in the application for Swedish citizenship if they live in the kingdom. The child must have a permanent residence permit. The written consent of the other parent or guardian is usually also required. Information about the children must be entered in the appropriate line on the citizenship application form. There is no additional fee for a child. Children over 12 years of age also sign the application with an electronic key if the request is submitted online through the migration agency's service. Any other documents are not needed in this case.

How are Swedish passports issued

A Swedish citizen can obtain a national identity card (ID-card) and a passport for traveling abroad. Both documents are issued at the passport office.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Online recording through the official website of the Swedish police using an electronic ID.
  2. Visit to the passport office in person on the appointed day and time.
  3. Paying a fee, submitting fingerprints and taking a photo.
  4. Receiving the document in person at the passport office 6 business days after the request is approved.

If you are unable to make a recorging online, you can utilize government services and find out more information by calling 11414. If you do not have an ID card, you may need to have an approved certifier - someone who can verify your identity (spouse, children, parents and other relatives, or employers). Ready Swedish passports are issued upon personal request.

Why is it possible to get a refuse and what are the options of solving this issue

Most often foreigners are denied to get Swedish citizenship because of irregularities in immigration procedures. Example - failure to meet the deadlines for submitting requests, incorrect dossier, lack of translation of foreign documents, lack of statements and certificates. Applications are rejected if you are recognized as persona non grata for the state (you have previously violated the migration legislation of the Schengen countries). Requests are not approved in the interests of national security or if you do not meet at least one of the conditions for naturalization.

Sometimes, before Swedish citizenship is denied, the case is sent to the applicant for clarification, for example, if some documents are missing. If they won`t be attached, the application is rejected. In any of the cases you can try to contest the decision through the court, but in practice such cases are almost always won by the migration agency.

Guaranteed citizenship of an EU country can be obtained with the support of international law specialists Immigrantinlaw. Dedicated lawyers help to obtain a second passport in the European Union fast and easy. Complete the form to contact a manager.

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