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Permanent residence of Lithuania

Term from 2 months

Lithuania is a European Union country with a high quality of life index and rapidly developing economy. Residents have access to progressive medicine and European education. The country has moderate property prices and loyal tax system.

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Benefits of Lithuanian permanent residence


Open EU borders

To travel to any European Union country, the owner of a permanent resident card of Lithuania does not need to apply for a visa.


High salaries

An employed permanent resident of Lithuania can expect to receive a decent salary - from 2,000 EUR per month.


Low business taxes

The standard corporate tax rate in 2023 is 15%, but entrepreneurs can expect it to be reduced to 5 or 0%.


High standard of living

In 2023, Lithuania ranked 18th in the international Quality of Life Index among European countries and 25th among all countries in the world.

This program is suitable:

Find a job

  • Permanent residents of Lithuania have the right to hold positions in local companies without prior work permit.

Start a business

  • Permanent residents of Lithuania can conduct profitable entrepreneurial activity in the country, for example in the field of freight transport, construction or tourism.

Study in the country

  • Lithuania is a participant in the Bologna system, so graduates of local universities receive European education and international standard diplomas.

Have social protection

  • Permanent residents of Lithuania can claim financial assistance from the government of the country, for example, unemployment or disability benefits.

new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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Why us?

Contract conclusion

Before starting cooperation, the client signs a contract with the company, which indicates his rights, as well as the obligations of migration lawyers.

Significant work experience

Lawyers have been providing their services in the field of international law for many years, so they know Lithuanian migration legislation well.

Ensuring success

The company’s specialists responsibly approach the performance of work, therefore they guarantee a positive decision on the application for Lithuanian permanent residence.

Personal approach

The company’s lawyers analyze the documents and situation of each client, so they select the optimal basis for requesting a permanent residence card.

Where to start


Initial consultation.

The specialist analyzes the client’s documents, answers his questions and tells about the procedure for obtaining Lithuanian permanent residence in details.


Preparation of the dossier.

The company’s lawyer checks and forms the client’s document package according to the current requirements of Lithuanian legislation.


Application for permanent residence.

The client, accompanied by a migration lawyer, submits documents to the Lithuanian state body.


Receiving permanent residence.

After approving the application for permanent residence, the client is issued a ready-made document confirming his status.


What are the conditions for obtaining Lithuanian permanent residence?

To become a permanent resident of the state, a foreigner is required to live on its territory with a residence permit for at least 5 years, pass an exam in Lithuanian and the basics of the Constitution, and confirm financial solvency.

What documents are required to obtain Lithuanian permanent residence card?

An immigrant should prepare a foreign passport, certificates of passing exams in Lithuanian and the basics of the Constitution, confirmation of legal residence in the country for the last 5 years, a certificate of income or a bank statement, a residence permit card, a medical insurance policy.

What amount of income needs to be demonstrated to obtain a Lithuanian permanent residency?

A foreigner should prove that he has enough funds to live in the country for one year. In 2023, the required amount is 10,080 EUR.

What rights and obligations does the holder of Lithuanian permanent residence card have?

A permanent resident of the country is required to pay taxes on time and comply with the state’s legislation. At the same time, the owner of a permanent residence card has the right to work, do business, study, and receive medical care in Lithuania.

Become a full-fledged
citizen of the
European Union!

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Stories from our clients

I have long dreamed of Europe, and finally the dream has come true. I moved for work and received a residence permit quite quickly. I contacted lawyers and they helped a lot.


Reviews about residence permit

I recently contacted the company and was very pleased with the friendliness and attentiveness of the lawyers. Well, and no less important, they did not hesitate to fulfill their obligations and did everything efficiently.


Company reviews

There were no problems with obtaining a residence permit. I only asked for a consultation, and then ordered full support and was able to quickly move to Germany.


Reviews about residence permit


new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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