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Permanent residence of Lithuania
Term from 2 months
Lithuania is a European Union country with a high quality of life index and rapidly developing economy. Residents have access to progressive medicine and European education. The country has moderate property prices and loyal tax system.
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Benefits of Lithuanian permanent residence
Open EU borders
To travel to any European Union country, the owner of a permanent resident card of Lithuania does not need to apply for a visa.
High salaries
An employed permanent resident of Lithuania can expect to receive a decent salary - from 2,000 EUR per month.
Low business taxes
The standard corporate tax rate in 2023 is 15%, but entrepreneurs can expect it to be reduced to 5 or 0%.
High standard of living
In 2023, Lithuania ranked 18th in the international Quality of Life Index among European countries and 25th among all countries in the world.
This program is suitable:
Find a job
Start a business
Study in the country
Have social protection
new opportunities
with a European Union passport!
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Why us?
Where to start
Initial consultation.
The specialist analyzes the client’s documents, answers his questions and tells about the procedure for obtaining Lithuanian permanent residence in details.
Preparation of the dossier.
The company’s lawyer checks and forms the client’s document package according to the current requirements of Lithuanian legislation.
Application for permanent residence.
The client, accompanied by a migration lawyer, submits documents to the Lithuanian state body.
Receiving permanent residence.
After approving the application for permanent residence, the client is issued a ready-made document confirming his status.
Become a full-fledged
citizen of the
European Union!
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Stories from our clients
I have the best impressions of Immigrantinlaw. Thanks to lawyers, I received a Pole card, and now permanent residence. Next up is citizenship, quite soon.
Company reviews
I shouldn’t have worried that I would be denied in a residence permit. The main thing is to do everything correctly with the documents. To be on the safe side, I applied for a residence permit with legal support.
Reviews about residence permit
I was able to quickly obtain permanent residence, and this is largely thanks to the lawyers. The procedure seems simple, but in fact there are many nuances that are difficult to take into account on your own.
Reviews of permanent residence
News and articles
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new opportunities
with a European Union passport!
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