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Residence permit of Finland

Term from 1 month

Finland attracts foreign citizens with a high level of wages, the availability of a full social package for workers, the opportunity to conclude international contracts in business activities, a loyal tax system, and the simplicity of opening and running a business.

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Benefits of obtaining Finnish residence permit


Free travel

A residence permit allows you to visit European Union and Schengen countries, avoiding the need to apply for visas.


Improving the standard of living

In case of employment or business in Finland, you can significantly increase your income.


Modern treatment

With an insurance policy, a resident has the right to use the services of the best medical institutions in the country.


Prospects for obtaining a passport

After permanent residence in the country for 6 years, you can apply for citizenship.

This program is suitable:

Live in a European country

  • A residence permit allows you to live in Finland for 2 years, and you can repeatedly extend the status for the same period.

Find a prestigious job

  • Moving to Finnish territory significantly increases the chances of getting a job in a company offering high earnings.

Travel without visas

  • Thanks to the residence permit, you can freely visit all EU and Schengen countries for up to 90 days.

Engage in business activities

  • In case of establishing a company in Finland, there is an opportunity to implement goods and services on the European single market.

new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

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Why us?

Cooperation under an agreement

Thanks to the conclusion of an agreement, all conditions are guaranteed to be met and obligations are fulfilled by the company’s employees.

Long work experience

All specialists have many years of experience in comprehensive support of immigration procedures in European Union countries.

Guaranteed success

Lawyers take all necessary actions to complete the immigration process with the required result.

Personalized approach

Taking into account the individual features of the client’s case allows you to choose a suitable option for moving to a European country.

Where to start


Consultation with lawyers

The company’s employees analyze the applicant’s case, answer his questions regarding the procedure, and recommend a way of immigration.


Preparation of documents

Specialists provide the client with assistance in forming a dossier, observing the legislative requirements of the country.


Filing a petition

Lawyers accompany the applicant during the visit to the Finnish immigration authority to apply for resident status.


Receiving the document

The client is notified of the decision on the application, after which he revisits the authorized institution and receives a residence permit card.


Which residence permit to choose: for work, study, or another?

You can apply for a residence permit based on business registration, university admission, employment, investment in the state’s economy, family reunification. Immigration specialists determine the optimal option depending on the client’s goals and circumstances.

What stages are included in the process of obtaining a residence permit in Finland and how long does the procedure take?

Obtaining a residence permit involves preparing a package of documents, obtaining a category D visa at the Finnish embassy or consulate, arriving in the country and applying to the immigration authority, receiving a resident card. The duration of the procedure is from 1 month.

Can a residence permit be obtained for family members?

The applicant has the right to include family members in the application for a residence permit, as a result of which everyone can receive a resident card in one day. It is also possible to apply based on family reunification if one of its members already has the status of a citizen or resident of Finland.

What rights and obligations does a residence permit holder receive?

A Finnish resident can legally live and work in the country, conduct business activities, seek medical help by insurance, freely travel to EU and Schengen countries, use banking services. The residence permit holder is required to comply with the legislation of Finland and the European Union.

Become a full-fledged
citizen of the
European Union!

Submit the application form and we will call you back!


Stories from our clients

In general, I called the Immigrantinlaw company just for a consultation, but in the end, they helped me obtain a residence permit. Lawyers always provide detailed advice on emerging issues.


Company reviews

It was clear to me that it was unlikely that I would be able to obtain permanent residence without professional help, so I immediately found a good company. In the end, everything went well, for this I am very grateful to the specialists.


Reviews of permanent residence

It's good that I decided to submit direct here, and did not apply for citizenship by myself. Regarding the result, everything is great, I didn’t spend a lot of money, but I got the result quickly. There is also a bonus as citizenship for the child.


Citizenship Reviews


new opportunities
with a European Union passport!

Submit the application form and we will call you back!


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