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Citizenship of Spain

Citizenship of Spain

Citizenship of Spain: options and nuances of obtaining, terms and cost in 2024

Spanish citizenship (Nacionalidad española) is granted by blood right, option (choice), naturalization in regular or accelerated order. Most often, foreigners are required to live in the state for 10 years with a residency card before applying for a national passport. The obtained document automatically equates the owner to a citizen of the European Union, with the right to reside in any country of association on equal terms with the indigenous population with some minor exceptions.

The Spanish passport ranks 2nd in the global ranking of the strength of national documents. With it you can visit more than 160 countries, including the USA, Canada, China, Australia and the whole Europe without obtaining a visa at the embassy. The Kingdom of Spain does not allow multiple citizenship, except in cases stipulated by bilateral treaties, so when applying for a local passport, you need to renounce a similar document in your home country. Further we will tell how to get the status of a citizen in different ways.

The need to live in Spain for ten years and lose their passport in their home country to obtain local citizenship does not suit many foreigners. Find a more optimal, fast and inexpensive option of registration of the status of EU citizen can be supported by specialized lawyers. Specialists of international law select the best immigration programs taking into account the wishes and background of the client.

Rights and obligations of Spanish citizens

The main document that regulates the rights and obligations of Spanish citizens is the Civil Code - Código Civil, including Royal Decree number BOE-A-1889-4763. Additional rules relevant within the European Union are specified in Directive 2004/38/EC. A person's rights do not depend on the basis on which he or she acquires local citizenship, such as naturalization or descent. The holder of a Spanish passport has the following privileges:

  • the possibility to move anywhere in the EU together with the family (spouse, children, sometimes parents);
  • unlimited employment on the territory of the EU with tax deductions for the subsequent receipt of the European pension;
  • free commercial activity in the Single European Market with customs and tax preferences;
  • the possibility to apply for state support, from representation abroad through the embassy to financial subsidies;
  • transfer of legal status through inheritance, including automatic accession to citizenship together with a minor child;
  • protection and respect for personal and general civil rights and freedoms by law enforcement and judicial authorities;
  • freedom of movement throughout most of the world, without a visa or with an easy-to-obtain electronic entry permit;
  • guaranteed free secondary education and the opportunity to study at prestigious European universities at public expense;
  • access to a quality health care system that is of a high standard (78 points out of 100, according to the Numbeo rating).

A citizen of Spain must know, respect and adhere to local constitutional norms. Any form of discrimination and infringement of other people's interests is prohibited in the kingdom, so residents must also respect the rights of surrounding people. Residents and citizens of the state are obliged to pay taxes to the local treasury, except when it is regulated by international agreements “On avoidance of double taxation”.

What is required to get the status of Spanish citizen?

Those with Spanish roots can apply for citizenship by descent or choice. The rule also applies to those who were adopted by Spaniards or did not receive any passport after birth due to the nuances of the legislation of the parents' native country. Other foreigners have the opportunity to obtain a passport of the kingdom by naturalization - a prolonged stay in the country with proven integration into local society. The standard period of residency is 10 years from the date of move. Step by step, the naturalization process looks like this:

  1. Finding a way to move.

At this stage it is necessary to determine the legal basis for opening a residence permit, which are listed in the national law “On the Rights and Freedoms of Foreigners” BOE-A-2011-7703, check yourself for compliance with the requirements for the applicant, make documentary preparations.

  1. Obtaining a national visa.

In order to cross the Spanish border for immigration purposes, you must first obtain a D entry permit. The visa is opened on the same basis as the resident card. The document can be obtained at the nearest consulate or embassy in the country of permanent residence.

  1. Moving and opening a resident card.

With a national visa it is necessary to immigrate to the kingdom and 60 days before the expiration date of the document to visit the Immigration Service or the police station at the place of registration. A dossier should be submitted to the authorities for temporary resident status, which is usually granted for up to 1-3 years, depending on the basis.

  1. Renewing the residence permit and obtaining permanent resident status.

For naturalization, it is necessary to maintain a reason for being in the country in order to periodically renew the residence permit. The procedure for renewing a residence permit is the same as opening a primary document. It is possible to request a residence permit five years after moving, also by visiting the migration department or police authorities.

  1. Residence with permanent residence and citizenship registration.

It is possible to obtain a passport in the usual order of naturalization after a permanent ten-year residence in the territory of the kingdom. It is necessary to pass an integration test, collect evidence of financial security and law-abidingness, write a waiver of native citizenship.

The process of naturalization in Spain begins with the search for a reason to move. The most popular of them we will consider further in detail.

Getting a job

It is possible to move to Spain after concluding an employment contract with a local organization. A residence permit is also granted in the framework of an international transfer, for an extended business trip, or for scientific research. In most cases, the employer can invite a foreigner only after authorization from the National Employment Service, which checks whether there are no candidates from among the citizens of the kingdom for the position. Special conditions are provided for highly qualified specialists: they can get the EU Blue Card for 2 years at once with the right to family immigration and mobility within the European Union.


Spain grants residency to students of private and public institutions of higher education - colleges, academies, universities. Interns, volunteers, participants of international exchange programs and language courses are also eligible for residence permit. After receiving a document on education, a foreigner has a chance to obtain a residence permit for another 12 months, during which it is possible to find a job or start a business for further naturalization. Minor students can immigrate only with the written approval of their parents.


Spain welcomes financially secure foreigners who are willing to invest one of the following amounts (in euros):

  • five hundred thousand - in the purchase of residential or commercial real estate, with no restrictions on the location of the object and its subsequent use (for example, you can rent the apartment or live in it yourself);
  • one million into licensed venture capital or investment funds or into shares in Spanish businesses (i.e., you can buy a ready-made business or part of it);
  • two million in national debt securities owned by the Kingdom.

It`s possible to avoid direct investments, just placing a bank deposit account in Spain from a million euros, which also entitles you to a residence permit. Investors receive immediately a three-year residence permit with the possibility of subsequent naturalization.

Family reunion

The right to naturalize in Spanish territory is available to those who have close relatives who are local citizens or residents. Reunification is possible with children, parents and, exceptionally, other family members, e.g., if they need care or are supported by the host country. Relatives can be invited to join the host country if they can demonstrate an income of 75 % of the Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator, IPREM (100 % is 600 EUR in 2024) for the first person and another 50 % for each subsequent person. Naturalization for family reunification follows the standard procedure.


Spain allows the spouses of local citizens to obtain a passport of the kingdom one year after moving to the country. The marriage must be officially concluded and recognized by Spanish law if the registration took place abroad. Husbands and wives of residents can naturalize according to the usual procedure - first to formalize family reunification, after which to meet the requirements for the period of residence in the state.

Commercial activity

Moving to Spain is possible through the registration of a business in the Kingdom. Legislation does not set requirements for the sphere of activity of a foreigner, the amount of start-up capital, the form of ownership (for example, individual entrepreneur or open joint-stock company). The authorities of the country study the business plan to assess its prospects and the possibility to improve the potential of the labor market. The entrepreneur will be required to prove that he/she is able to realize the business idea, i.e., has relevant experience and/or a diploma in the declared direction.

Refugee status

Spain offers protection under the Geneva Convention on the Rights of Refugees to those who cannot remain in their home country because of an objective threat to life or health. Most often, requests are approved from foreigners who have fled the country because of military conflicts, for example from Syria or Afghanistan. Refugee status can also be granted to those who are discriminated against in their home country, for example because of their race or gender identity. The main thing is to have convincing evidence. Refugees in Spain can naturalize 5 years after moving to Spain.

Other grounds

Immigration to Spain with the possibility of subsequent naturalization is also possible in the following situations:

  • sufficient financial solvency (from 2400 EUR monthly in 2024), provided that the income comes from foreign sources (e.g., payment for rental properties or remote earnings);
  • special activity, such as an artist, accredited journalist, digital nomad, religious worker, other person with a regulated profession who may be self-employed;
  • humanitarian reasons, such as status as a victim of human trafficking or the need for prolonged medical treatment.

Within the framework of international treaties, Spain grants the right to accelerated naturalization to citizens of Ibero-American countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal, and Sephardic Jews. For these categories of applicants, the period of residency is reduced to 2 years instead of 10, but the other requirements remain in force.

It`s possible to obtain all the rights of a Spanish citizen faster and easier with a passport of another EU country, issued under the accelerated procedure. With the assistance of specialized lawyers to acquire a second citizenship takes up to 12 months, without opening a residence permit, learning a foreign language and demonstrating the level of income. You can get detailed information at a free consultation.

List of documents for registration of Spanish citizenship

To obtain the status of a citizen in the Spanish kingdom, you need to form a package of documents, which includes:

  • application form of the established sample in accordance with the basis for registration of the status;
  • receipt of payment of the administrative fee;
  • foreigner's identity card (current resident card);
  • a valid passport of the home country;
  • certificate of clean criminal record issued by the authorities of the applicant's home country;
  • certificates of successful completion of language and integration testing from the Instituto Cervantes.

Those eligible for expedited naturalization shall complete the file with an appropriate supporting document, such as:

  • a marriage certificate to a Spaniard;
  • a blue Geneva Convention passport (for refugees);
  • birth certificate of a Spanish ancestor (up to and including grandparents);
  • certificate of Sephardic Jewish ancestry.

Fees and charges

When naturalizing in Spain, you will need to pay the following administrative fees:

  • national entry visa - 74 EUR;
  • foreigner's identity card - 11-38 EUR;
  • renewal of a residence permit - 17.5 EUR;
  • citizenship application - 104.5 EUR;
  • passport issuance - 12 EUR.

The process of obtaining Spanish citizenship

Once the naturalization requirements have been met, you can apply for Spanish citizenship. You will first need to take the necessary tests, submit the documents and wait for a decision. The process is completed by obtaining a certificate of citizenship and the issuance of national passports.

Successful examination

Two certificates will be required for the completion of CV for Spanish citizenship:

  • DELE — knowledge of the Spanish language;
  • CCSE — knowledge of social, cultural and constitutional norms.

Citizens of countries with an official Spanish language (such as Chile or Argentina) and those who have completed an educational course in the Kingdom are exempt from the language test. The test can be replaced by an interview with an official. It is also not compulsory to take the test in special situations, such as people with disabilities. The tests are held at the offices of Instituto Cervantes, the Spanish cultural center.

Registration of the application

Those who have a local ID card and a qualified electronic Clave certificate can complete the online application process for Spanish citizenship through the official service of the Ministry of Justice. In addition to filling out the application form, scanned copies of the dossier will need to be uploaded. If desired, it is possible to request citizenship status in person by visiting the territorial office of the Civil Registry Office at the place of registration. Most authorities receive visitors by appointment.

Accession to citizenship

If the application is approved, the applicant is presented with a document that certifies his or her citizenship and can be used for the issuance of local passports (internal and travel). In order for the decision to take effect, an oath will need to be recited and the previous passport will need to be relinquished. The acquisition of status must also be entered in the civil registry.

Issuance of a Spanish passport

For identification, a citizen of Spain issues a plastic ID-card of a unified sample of the European Union. To do this, it is necessary to visit the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person, having previously made an appointment online or by phone. You will need to provide a birth certificate, certificate of citizenship, photo and proof of residence registration. After receiving an ID-card, you can also obtain a passport for visa-free travel around the world. It is also issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a period of up to 5 years after paying the state duty of 30 EUR.

Can citizenship be denied?

Applications for citizenship are rejected if the applicant does not meet at least one of the requirements, for example, does not know enough Spanish or has been convicted in his or her home country. Often the request is denied because of irregularities in the migration procedure, submission of an incomplete or incorrectly executed set of documents. Those who are recognized as persona non grata because they pose a threat to national security or public safety cannot become citizens. The refusal can be appealed through the court, but most often such cases are decided in favor of the authorities.

It is possible to obtain an EU passport assured with the support of international law specialists. Specialized lawyers perform most of the tasks for the applicant, from documentary preparation to the organization of the appointments in the authorities. The support of a specialist allows you to quickly and easily obtain a second citizenship without large investments.

What is important to know about the process of obtaining Spanish citizenship?

Despite the general migration norms of the EU countries, each state has its own nuances of citizenship, and Spain is no exception. For example, the kingdom is one of the few to sign agreements on dual citizenship, partially adheres to the “right of soil” and gives the opportunity to naturalize illegal immigrants.

Is it possible to give birth and obtain Spanish citizenship?

The fact of birth in Spain does not entitle the baby or its parents to obtain citizenship. However, anyone who was born in the kingdom can request a local passport after 12 months of permanent residence in the state. The rule also applies to children of foreigners, regardless of the migration status of their parents. A child can become a Spaniard a year after birth in the kingdom, and his mother and father in this case receive the right to a residence permit and subsequent naturalization.

Whether a common-law partnership is eligible for a passport issuance?

The Spanish Nationality Act states: “Any person who, at the time of application, has been married to a Spaniard for one year and has not been legally or de facto separated may apply for a national passport 12 months after moving to the Kingdom”. Actual cohabitation is not taken into account in this case. In addition, the authorities check family unions for fictitiousness, which excludes the possibility of citizenship by fraudulent means.

What is the difference between naturalization and habitancy?

Naturalization is defined as long-term residence and related requirements, such as learning the national language, cultural and social norms. Habitancy usually refers only to long-term residence in the country itself. Spain is the only EU country that issues a humanitarian residence permit for family, labor or social residency. The document is granted to illegal immigrants who have been in the state for at least 2-3 years, sufficiently integrated into society, work and/or have family ties with local residents or citizens.

Dual citizenship in Spain

The Kingdom has concluded treaties on dual citizenship with the states of Latin America, which were formerly local colonies. Bilateral agreements have also been signed with France, Portugal, the Principality of Andorra, the Philippines and Equatorial Guinea. The holder of two passports can use either of them on the territory of both countries at their discretion, such as choosing where to pay taxes and serve in the army. Multiple citizenship outside of signed treaties is not recognized. When applying for a local passport, the current identity card in the home country must be relinquished.

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