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Immigration to Czech Republic

Immigration to Czech Republic

Moving to the Czech Republic should start with obtaining an entry document, preparing a place to live and financial savings. It is necessary to decide in advance on a suitable city, assess the availability of vacancies in the labor market or business prospects, the possibility to enroll children in school or kindergarten, other aspects such as the level of ecology and infrastructure development. Immigration with Czech citizenship usually takes several months from the moment of documentary and informational preparation.

It can be difficult to move to the Czech Republic because of the limited number of grounds on which long-term visas and residence permits are available. It is realistic to obtain a passport of the state on naturalization only 10 years after immigration, which is not suitable for many foreigners. Therefore, many applicants choose a simpler and faster way - get citizenship of another European Union country and with it settle in the Czech Republic for permanent residence without additional conditions and requirements for the immigrant.

Specialists of international law help to obtain a second passport in the European Union under a simplified procedure. You can get detailed information during a free consultation. 

Is it so rewarding to relocate to Czech Republic?

The pros of immigrating to the Czech Republic include the following:

  • High standard of living

In Numbeo's individual quality of life ranking, the Czech Republic received 170 points, which equates to a score of “Very High”. In the World Quality of Life Index, the republic ranks 23rd out of all countries, only slightly behind Western EU states.

  • Access to high-paying jobs

The average salary in the Czech Republic is about 2000 EUR per month before taxes. Specialists with narrow qualifications, such as programmers and engineers, can earn 4000 EUR per month or more.

  • Ease of integration
  • As in other EU countries, there is no discrimination on any grounds, including nationality and citizenship. The state offers integration and language courses for foreigners, social and financial support.
  • Reasonable combination of salaries and expenditures of the population

Living in the Czech Republic costs on average up to 800 EUR per month, excluding rent, which is about 2.5 times lower than the average salary in the country. Immigrants even without in-demand profession can easily cover basic living needs.

The disadvantages of moving to the Czech Republic include the following:

  • the high cost of renting and buying real estate in relation to wages;
  • limited choice of relocation programs and lengthy naturalization;
  • lack of direct access to the sea;
  • long waiting times for specialized doctors' appointments.

Ways of immigration

In order to properly organize a relocation to the Czech Republic, it is necessary to understand which entry document will be the easiest to obtain and promising for subsequent naturalization. It is important to study the entry financial threshold of different immigration routes, the terms of visa granting, special features such as the right to move with family members or work permits. Information about the duration of the residency status and the required documents for its acquisition will also be useful.

Obtaining EU citizenship

Simple ways to immigrate to the Czech Republic include moving with a passport from another EU country. Citizens of the agreement have the right to reside permanently in any of the EU states together with their spouse and children, without seeking grounds for opening a local residence permit or permanent residence permit. The immigrant gets access to all general civil privileges, including official employment, opening a business, free education in national universities and receiving social support from the government. The period of stay in the Czech Republic for citizens of the European Union - unlimited.

Unlike naturalization in the Czech Republic, which takes from 10 years from the moment of opening the primary residence permit, it is possible to obtain an EU passport in another country (e.g., Slovenia, Bulgaria or Romania) within 8 months. Accelerated registration of citizenship is possible for participants of special programs, for which it is not required to register as a resident, renounce the current status in the home country and demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language. Many applicants have a chance to obtain a second EU passport, detailed information regarding that is provided by specialized lawyers.

Work in Czech Republic

Foreign specialists can obtain a Czech employee card if they are invited to work in a company registered in the republic. Recruitment of an immigrant is possible only when the employer has failed to find a suitable employee from among residents or citizens of the state. Work in the Czech Republic, as well as other popular grounds, gives the right to issue a resident card for up to 2 years with the right to extend it.

The Czech Republic has several special programs for preferential employment of specialists in shortage professions, but with annual quotas. The republic is interested in digital nomads and qualified employees of certain countries, which is specified in government regulations. Participation in the program allows you to immigrate immediately with children and spouse, and requests of foreigners are considered as a priority within a month.

Studying in Czech Republic

A foreigner can enroll in a Czech university or a medium-sized accredited institution (e.g., college) and obtain a residence permit. Residency is also granted to participants of international student exchange programs, interns, volunteers and trainees. Studying in the Czech Republic is also possible during language courses or as part of advanced training. Student residence permit counts only half of the residence period for naturalization. In order to issue the document, it is necessary to provide the migration service with a certificate of enrollment in a university or its equivalent.

Marriage or family reunification

The right to move to the Czech Republic is available to close relatives of the holders of a passport or residence permit of the Republic. This can be the legal husband or wife, children under 18 years of age who are not married, parents of the minor host party. Sometimes family reunification is also approved for other relatives, such as an elderly mother or father who is supported by a Czech resident/citizen.

Holders of a residence permit can apply for family reunification only one year and 3 months after its opening. Czech citizens are not affected by this restriction. In order for the request to be approved, the receiving party must have sufficient income and living space to provide for the relatives, as well as agree to register them at their plays.

Investing in the Czech economy

The Czech Republic welcomes foreign investors who want to invest in a ready-made business or develop their own corporation in the country. In order to obtain the status of a resident, the immigrant's contribution must be at least 75 million CZK, i.e., about 3,000,000 EUR at the exchange rate for 2024. There are some other conditions:

  • ownership of 30% or more of the shares of the relevant company;
  • Creation of twenty new jobs;
  • the possibility to invest up to 60% of the amount in indirect assets of the company, e.g., training of employees or introduction of new technologies;
  • proof of legality of the invested funds.  

Business in the Czech Republic

An immigrant can open a company in the Czech Republic and on this basis request the status of a resident. It is also possible to apply as a self-employed person, a representative of the trade sphere, a member of the statutory body of a commercial company. The Republic does not limit businessmen by the sphere of activity and the amount of the minimum capital investment in the company. However, not all applications are approved: they are first analyzed by a special commission that evaluates the prospects of the project for the country. Taxes in the Czech Republic are low (for example, 21% of profits for legal entities), which attracts foreigners.

Refugee status

The Czech Republic has signed the Geneva Convention on Refugee Rights and provides asylum to those who cannot stay in their home country due to persecution, discrimination, direct threat to life and health. A residence permit is also granted to victims of human trafficking. However, registration of refugee status is a complicated and not always successful procedure, which is associated with inconveniences such as refusal of the current passport and prohibition to visit the native country. While the request is being considered, the foreigner is placed in a camp with mediocre conditions, and trials can last for months.

Find the best way to emigrate from your home country and move to the Czech Republic with minimal time and effort with the help of professionals in the legal field. Dedicated experts provide step-by-step support of the process without the risk of rejection of the application, recommend the best options for legalization of stay abroad.

Stages of immigration

The standard procedure for moving to the Czech Republic is as follows:

  1. Choosing a reason for relocation.
  2. Preparing information and documents.
  3. Opening a long-term visa.
  4. Moving and obtaining a residence permit.
  5. Renewal of residency status.
  6. Registration of residence permit.
  7. Accession to citizenship.

EU passport holders do not need to go through these steps. It is enough for them to move to the Czech Republic and register with the migration service if they plan to stay in the country for more than 90 days.

What are the requirements for relocation?

To participate in each step of the standard immigration process, you need to start by finding a good reason for long-term residence in the Czech Republic and preparing the following documents:

  • a foreign passport or similar identity document (e.g. service passport) with a validity period of at least six months;
  • a certificate of no criminal record in the country of permanent residence;
  • receipt for payment of an administrative fee (charged each time the resident card is re-issued);
  • proof of sufficient permanent income (bank account statement);
  • proof of eligibility for residency according to the basis, such as an invitation from an employer, an approved business plan or a certificate of enrollment at a university;
  • a recent photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • If the applicant is under 18 years of age, an agreement from both parents to execute the document;
  • civil status certificates (in case of family immigration).

A foreigner should also prepare records of employment, diplomas and certificates of education, letters of recommendation from previous employers. Documents issued abroad are subject to translation into Czech or Slovak language with subsequent notary certification, as well as apostil legalization.

Obtaining a residence permit

An applicant for the status of a resident of the Czech Republic must first obtain a long-term visa. The document is issued at the diplomatic mission in the country of the immigrant's permanent residence. The visa must be opened on the same basis on which the residence permit will be requested upon arrival in the republic. It is necessary to determine the legal reason for the relocation, collect and properly prepare the dossier, make an appointment at the nearest consulate or embassy.

Long-term Czech visa is approved for those who do not pose a threat to national security and public order, who are law-abiding and financially secure, who can prove by documents that their move to the Republic is justified. At the diplomatic mission the applicant is photographed and fingerprinted, after which the application is examined and a visa sticker is placed in the passport. With this sticker the foreigner moves to the Czech Republic and obtains a residence permit at a police station within three days of crossing the border.

The immigrant needs to request a Czech residence permit at the Interior Ministry office before the long-term visa is canceled. The applicant personally applies to the representative office with a package of documents and waits for the issuance of a residence card. Some types of residence permit (for example, for students and investors) are issued directly at the consulate or embassy, without prior opening of a national visa.

Issuance of a permanent residence permit

In most cases, a residence permit card is issued to a migrant for a maximum of 2 years, after which it can be extended if there is still a legal reason to live in the Czech Republic. The document is re-issued in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration until the current residence permit is canceled. The authorities also accept applications by post and electronically.

You can apply for a permanent residence permit after 5 years of permanent stay in the Czech Republic. It is possible to leave the country during this period for no more than 6 consecutive months and 310 days in total, otherwise the residency period will be extended. The calculation does not take into account exceptional cases, such as traveling abroad for medical treatment or a long official business trip. In order to apply for permanent residence, a foreigner will need to prove actual residence in the country (registration), permanent income at the level of 200 EUR per month, and pass a Czech language test.

The status of permanent resident is also formalized in the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration. The application is considered within two months, but this period is extended if the foreigner needs additional documents or if the migration department receives too many requests. After approval, the immigrant receives a Czech permanent residence card, which is valid for 10 years. The status itself is indefinite: reissuance is required only for the plastic document.

Citizenship of Czech Republic

You can apply for Czech citizenship after 5 years of permanent residence in the Czech Republic. The period is reduced to 3 years for those who hold a passport of another European Union state. Access to citizenship is open to foreigners with clean criminal record, who successfully pass the test for knowledge of the Czech language, cultural, historical, social and geographical foundations of the state. It is also necessary that the applicant pays taxes correctly, has a stable income and does not violate migration rules.

A request for Czech citizenship is also submitted in person to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration. The foreigner will need to fill out an application form in Czech and submit a package of documents, wait for the result, and after the approval of the application - to undergo a solemn ceremony of swearing in. The Czech Republic allows multiple citizenship, so you will not have to renounce your passport in the home country, if it is not provided by the laws of the first state of the immigrant.

Citizens of the European Union have special preferences for simplified legalization of stay in the Czech Republic and obtaining a local passport. With the support of dedicated lawyers, an emigrant can formalize the status of EU citizen in a short period of time and without significant costs. Specialists of international law offer official immigration programs and go through each stage with the applicant until a successful result.

What problems may arise?

Not all applicants are approved for a Czech visa and residence permit. Foreigners are often rejected, arguing that insufficient income or mistakes in the dossier. The grounds for obtaining residency in the republic are not very many, and participation in programs is limited. The chances for long-term employment are mainly limited to specialists with high qualifications and knowledge of the Czech language. Immigrants are reluctant to rent housing for a long period of time, and the conditions of service in banks and hospitals are not better than those offered to citizens of the country.

To avoid making mistakes in the immigration process, you can enlist the support of specialized professionals. Lawyers select the best ways for applicants to move to the Czech Republic, based on their background, your budget and wishes. Migration specialists independently form the required dossier and prepare the applicant for successful communication with the authorities. International law specialists also help to obtain an EU passport in an accelerated procedure. The document allows you to move to live in any EU country, including the Czech Republic, under simplified conditions.

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