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Moving to Hungary

Moving to Hungary

Moving to Hungary: pros of immigration, ways of legalization of stay in the country, important nuances in 2024

Moving to Hungary is an opportunity to live in an inexpensive, but economically developed and promising country of Eastern Europe on a permanent basis. Usually, the immigration process includes obtaining a national visa and residence permit, its replacement with a permanent resident card (PRC), and later - entry into citizenship by naturalization. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a Hungarian passport immediately or to apply for a shorter period of provisional residence with a residence permit.

Hungary is a state of the European Union, so locals have access to visa-free travel in the Schengen area, employment opportunities and business opportunities in the Single European Market. EU citizens have the right to live in any of the countries of the association on the same terms as the native population: from free education in universities to social guarantees.

Dedicated lawyers help to make an individual plan for a comfortable and successful immigration to Hungary. International law specialists analyze the client's request and recommend the best options for processing European documents in the shortest possible time and without unnecessary expenses.

Rights and opportunities of a Hungarian resident

A permanent resident of Hungary has the right to enjoy the following preferences:

  • unlimited residence in the EU state with the right to travel abroad freely;
  • visa-free travel to Schengen countries in the format of “90 days of total stay out of 180 consecutive days”;
  • official employment for most jobs, except for government, law enforcement, political bodies;
  • access to medical, pension and social insurance systems to receive status-related payments and subsidies;
  • access to European clinics on the basis of a basic medical policy at reduced rates;
  • paying compulsory fees to the state treasury with loyal rates - one of the lowest in the European Union;
  • receiving prestigious higher education, including at the expense of the state, grant or scholarship programs;
  • opening and running a business internationally, with simplified customs and logistical conditions;
  • opening of accounts in trusted EU banks, including loans and mortgages, access to international transfers.

More rights can be obtained after obtaining a Hungarian passport. A citizen of the European Union has the right to immigrate to a favorite country of association without additional conditions. After moving, you can officially work, study on a budget, provide commercial services without restrictions. Also, with a Hungarian passport you can travel without a visa to 175 countries of the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia and almost every of Eurasia.

How to move to Hungary for permanent residence and obtain citizenship

The peculiarities of obtaining the status of permanent resident in Hungary are regulated by the law “On General Rules for the Entry and Residence of Third Country Nationals”. The conditions for granting a local passport are regulated by the legal act “On Hungarian Citizenship” of 1993. In the usual order, foreigners first receive a residence permit, after 3 years - change it to a national residence card (PRC), and after another 5 years – applying for citizenship, if complying all requirements for the applicant. It is important to take into account that not every temporary residence permit gives the right to naturalization.

In some cases, emigration from any country to Hungary is possible in an accelerated procedure. For example, permanent residence without prior residence with a residence permit is granted to ethnic Hungarians, children of permanent resident status holders or refugee certificate holders. The naturalization period is shortened for spouses and dependent relatives of Hungarian citizens. Special preferences are provided for holders of passports of other European Union countries. Participants of the repatriation procedure can immediately obtain Hungarian citizenship.

Ways of immigration to Hungary

In order to find the best option to move to Hungary for permanent residence, it is necessary to analyze your family history, clarify the requirements for the applicant for various procedures, assess the financial possibilities. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of immigration with family members (if applicable), the validity of various documents, the possibility of their extension and reissuance. For example, a residence permit for study, internship, medical treatment, for volunteer or seasonal work, as a digital nomad or self-employed person does not entitle the applicant to subsequent naturalization.


There is no direct program for obtaining permanent residence or Hungarian citizenship for investments, as it is against the migration rules of the European Union. However, investing in certain sectors entitles you to an immigration-type residence permit. The following investment options are provided:

  • 250,000 EUR in the purchase of investment certificates issued by a real estate fund and registered by a national bank;
  • 500 000 EUR for the purchase of residential real estate in the territory of the country, which is included in the national register (valid from 01.01.2025);
  • 1 000 000 EUR as a voluntary donation to an accredited higher education institution of the country for the development of educational, scientific, artistic or creative activities.

The residence permit for investors is the only one in Hungary that is granted for 10 years at a time. It can be extended for a similar period if desired. The residence permit is issued within two months, and the application can be submitted only on the territory of the state, paying a fee of 110 EUR. If it is not possible to enter Hungary without a visa, there is an opportunity to issue a national investor's permit through a diplomatic mission, and upon arrival replace it with a resident card.

Registration of permanent residence in Hungary for investors is available 3 years after the move, provided that the investor is financially secure, law-abiding, has no criminal record and has a health insurance policy. It is possible to apply for citizenship through the general naturalization procedure. Participants of the procedure may, after opening a residence permit, request reunification with family members, who, if approved, also receive temporary resident cards with the right to subsequent registration of a residence permit and passport.


A Hungarian passport under the standard naturalization procedure can be obtained after 8 years of permanent and legal residence in a resident status. The applicant must have a declared place of registration in the country, a stable source of official income, successfully pass the national language and constitutional exam. It will also be necessary to prove the absence of a criminal record and failure to pose a threat to national security and public health. At the first stage, the foreigner opens a national visa (if applicable) and an immigration-type residence permit on one of the grounds:

  • Getting a job

It is possible to move to Hungary on the basis of employment in a local company. Depending on the profession, the foreigner is granted a regular residence permit, a Hungarian card for highly qualified personnel or representatives of the sports, cultural, artistic sector.

  • EU Blue Card

Professionals with narrow qualifications in demand in Hungary are eligible for immigration. The Blue Card is issued upon signing an employment contract for at least six months with a salary of 2000 EUR per month or more and after proving proper experience or education in the declared profile.

  • Intra-corporate transfer

To move to Hungary, it is possible to apply for a residence permit for an employee of an international company who immigrates to work in the local branch. Long-term mobility is also available with an existing residence permit of another EU country in case of transfer.

  • Official purposes

Residency in Hungary can be granted to foreign correspondents, members of official delegations and diplomatic missions. Residency is also approved for those who move for international cultural, educational, scientific cooperation

  • Commercial activities

Immigration to Hungary is available when opening a business in the territory of the country. Neither the amount of the authorized capital of the company nor the scope of commercial activity is set by law.

  • Family reunification

Eligible family members of Hungarian citizens and holders of an immigration-type residence permit/permanent residence are eligible for residency. Eligible family members usually include husband/wife, children and parents, other dependent relatives.

  • Humanitarian circumstances

Recognized refugees, applicants for subsidiary or temporary protection, stateless persons in special situations, victims of trafficking or sexual exploitation can reside in Hungary. Humanitarian requests are examined on a case-by-case basis and are not always approved. Recognized refugees are granted citizenship 3 years after relocation instead of the standard 8.

In the general naturalization procedure, after three years of residence in Hungary with a temporary residence permit, it can be replaced by a permanent one. A request for citizenship is submitted after another five-year period to the district migration office or the office of comprehensive customer service. If the application is approved, it is necessary to undergo an oath ceremony and receive a naturalization certificate and with it the Hungarian passport.


Spouses of Hungarian citizens have the right to immediately obtain a permanent residence instead of a residence permit, provided that the marriage was concluded at least 24 months ago, as well as to apply for a national passport under an accelerated procedure - 3 years after moving to the state. Other requirements for naturalization, including passing a language test and providing a certificate of criminal record, remain in force. It is also possible to obtain citizenship without prior residence in Hungary, provided that the applicant has been the husband or wife of a Hungarian citizen for ten years (5 years - if there is a joint child).


Simplified registration of Hungarian citizenship without prior residence in the country with a residence card is possible for those who prove documented ethnic belonging to the people of the state. The repatriate will need to prove knowledge of the national language, absence of criminal records and opened criminal cases on the territory of the country. Usually, applications are accepted from those whose ancestors up to great-grandparents were Hungarians, which is confirmed by civil status certificates. Repatriation is also available to former citizens who wish to regain their lost status.

EU citizenship

A passport holder of any EU or European Economic Area (EEA) country has the right to move to Hungary without any additional conditions. The immigrant is issued a special registration certificate, which is valid for an unlimited period of time upon presentation of an identity card. It is possible to move, for example, for work, study, business or personal purposes if one has health insurance and sufficient resources to support oneself without burdening the Hungarian social system.

European Union citizens can move to Hungary together with family members - spouse, minor children, dependent relatives (in need of care or dependent). It is possible to obtain a national passport as part of the standard naturalization process. However, there is usually no point in getting a document: EU citizens have equal rights throughout the entire territory of the association, so their opportunities are practically indistinguishable from those of the native Hungarian population (exception - participation in political organizations and electoral process).

Some EU countries grant citizenship under a simplified procedure, within a period of up to 12 months. To obtain an EU passport, you do not need to pass a language test, reside in the state with a residence permit and demonstrate your income level. You can find out more details at a free legal consultation.

Illegal stay

Those who stay in Hungary without migration documents can be deported if a violation is detected. If they refuse to leave, the law enforcement authorities carry out forced deportation, the cost of which is borne by the foreigner. After deportation, the offender is usually banned from re-entering Hungary and other Schengen states for up to 20 years, depending on the severity of the violation. Illegal immigrants subsequently have difficulties in opening visas and residence permits in the European Union.

How to prepare for moving to Hungary

In order to move and adapt comfortably in Hungary, you need to do the following in advance:

  • Finding sources of income

The labor market in Hungary cannot be called oversaturated, and the average salary “net” is about 900 EUR as of 2024. For a comfortable living, it is worth to prepare an emergency fund for the period of adaptation, ideally - to find a vacancy in the state in advance. An alternative is to have a passive or remote source of income, e.g., from a remote job or renting out real estate.

  • Learning the national language

Hungarian is the only official language in the country, and the majority of the local population has a mediocre command of English. Before immigrating, you should learn at least basic phrases that will be useful for everyday life - when going to stores and government offices, communicating with colleagues or looking for real estate. An online translator, including one that can read text from images, will be useful.

  • Route organization

Hungary has a well-developed transportation network, including rail and road connections to European countries and 5 international airports. It is worth planning the best route in advance, buying tickets (early booking will help you save money), and taking care of the transportation of your staff if necessary. You can also send your stuff by postal services, having previously clarified the customs conditions.

  • Choosing the best city

Most often foreigners move to Budapest, the capital and largest city of Hungary. Living here is comfortable due to the developed infrastructure, abundance of vacancies in various spheres, from industry to computer technologies. At the same time, real estate prices in Budapest - higher than in other cities, for example, to rent a one-bedroom apartment will need from 500-600 EUR per month (in the provinces the cost starts from 220 EUR). If you have a remote or passive income, you can consider a smaller and cheaper city, such as Pecs or Miskolc.

  • Assessment of taxation opportunities

Hungary has signed the Double Taxation Avoidance Act with many countries around the world, which makes it possible to pay compulsory levies in only one of the states after relocation. It is necessary to calculate in advance where it is more profitable to pay taxes depending on the rates and subsequent prospects. This mainly concerns entrepreneurs whose companies are registered abroad.

  • Renting or buying real estate

The real estate market in Hungary is limited, especially in small towns, so it is better to find a suitable house or apartment in advance. If you don't know enough Hungarian, it is better to get the help of Russian-speaking agents. You can search for offers by yourself on major resources such as ingatlantajolo.hu, ingatlan.com, ingatlankereso.hu.

  • Health insurance

A health insurance policy will be required for any of the Hungarian documents, from visa to citizenship. The minimum amount of coverage is from 30 thousand EUR. The policy must be valid in the territory of the European Union.

Why Hungary is popular among immigrants

Foreigners move to Hungary for the following reasons:

  • Low living costs

One person in Hungary needs on average about 650 EUR per month to live comfortably, excluding real estate rent. This amount includes grocery basket, entertainment, public transportation, clothes and shoes, utilities. You can rent a one-room apartment in a small town for only 220-450 EUR per month. This is much cheaper than in most other EU countries.

  • High level of security

Hungary is a country where serious crime is rare. According to Numbeo surveys, the security level here is 67 out of a possible 100 points (high). Law enforcement agencies work in the interests of the inhabitants, as does the judicial system. Discrimination of any form, including on national or racial grounds, is prohibited in the country at the legislative level. Hungary is a member of NATO, which guarantees international security.

  • Optimal environmental conditions

Hungary's climate index is 79 points out of 100, according to Numbeo. The abundance of mountain ranges and nature reserves, and the limited amount of large-scale industry result in a good ecology, which is especially important for families with small children. Like other EU countries, Hungary is gradually introducing green energy and is actively developing this sphere.

  • Loyal tax system

Taxes in Hungary are among the lowest in the European Union. For example, profit deductions for a company do not exceed 10%, while individuals pay about 15% income tax. Companies do not pay VAT on goods and services sold within the Single Market of Europe. This minimizes the burden on businesses as income levels rise.

  • Economic stability

Hungary is an industrial-agrarian country with a stable market economy and low inflation (within 3-4% per year), a member of the Single European Market, which allows citizens to work and do business internationally. The state has low public debt, well-established exports (especially with Germany), developed oil and gas, automobile and chemical industries.

  • Affordable prices for education

An academic year in higher educational institutions in Hungary costs foreigners about 5000-8000 EUR. This is cheaper than in Western Europe, the UK or the USA. Hungarian diplomas are recognized abroad, including the EU territory. Some universities have educational programs in English. There is a state scholarship program - Stipendium Hungaricum.

  • European level of medicine

You can visit clinics in Hungary with basic insurance, which is also valid in other EU countries. Treatment outside the policy is inexpensive here, including dental services. At the same time, the quality of service and equipment of hospitals is at a high level and meets European standards.

Hungary is a country with high unemployment, a difficult to learn national language and strict migration laws. Alternatively, you can obtain a passport of a citizen of another EU country and use it to move to developed EU member states such as Belgium, the Netherlands or Germany. You can analyze the chances of obtaining a simplified second citizenship with the help of migration lawyers.

Feedback from immigrants

Those who have moved to Hungary note such advantages as freedom of traveling around Europe, low cost of food basket, affordable and quite prestigious higher education, good quality of medical services. Immigrants like available prices for buying and renting real estate, especially in small towns. Other advantages of immigration include good ecological situation and low crime rate, including in Budapest.

To the disadvantages of living in Hungary immigrants in their reviews include the lack of promising jobs in the labor market. Salaries here are lower than in the countries of Western Europe, and it is almost impossible to find a good job without knowing Hungarian. The national language is one of the most difficult in the world to master, and there is no alternative: English is spoken well mainly by young people and only in big cities. Those who have moved do not like complicated bureaucratic procedures, long citizenship registration and queues in hospitals.

Help of the specialists in relocation

To make immigration to Hungary easy and comfortable, it is worthwhile to enlist the help of specialists in international law. Dedicated lawyers accompany the applicant step by step on the way to successfully obtaining European documents. Specialists select for each foreigner a personal relocation program according to his request and important nuances of biography. The support of experienced lawyers eliminates the risk of rejection of the application due to mistakes in the migration process.

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