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Obtaining Estonian Residence Permit for Foreigners

Obtaining Estonian Residence Permit for Foreigners

A residence permit in Estonia is a document that allows to stay in the country from 6 months to 5 years with the right to extend this period. You can apply for residency for one of the reasons specified in the Välismaalaste seadus Act of December 9, 2009, e.g., when concluding an employment contract with an Estonian company, starting your own business, enrolling in university, moving in with close relatives or by marriage.

The Republic of Estonia is a member of the European Union, so with a local residence permit you also get EU residency with all its advantages. You can travel in the Schengen zone without opening a visa, represent commercial interests in the European market, officially work, receive help and support from the state. In the future, you can apply for an Estonian residence permit with permanent validity and a passport by naturalization.

Estonia does not particularly support the mass influx of emigrants, so it limits the annual issuance of residence permits for foreigners. In order to ensure that you get the necessary immigration document, it is worth enlisting the support of international law specialists Immigrantinlaw.

What rights does Estonian residence permit give?

The Estonian temporary residence permit is a rectangular card with chip data, a photo of the holder and basic information about the holder and the document itself (e.g., issue and validity period). In 2025 with it you get the following rights and benefits:

  • residence in an EU country with the prospect of subsequent citizenship;
  • official work in a country where the average salary is about 1500 EUR per month after taxes;
  • starting a business and scaling it up internationally, including the Single Market of Europe with 500 million participants;
  • priority admission to state universities, participation in scholarship programs for talented students;
  • easy registration of bank accounts for making international transfers, storing money in foreign currency and obtaining loans;
  • ability to apply for support from state authorities, such as unemployment benefits;
  • the right to reunite with close relatives and to obtain appropriate migration documents for them;
  • change of tax residency and payment of fees to the local treasury to accumulate seniority and receive a European pension in the future;
  • quality medical care due to a unified insurance policy issued at preferential rates.

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Grounds for applying for a residence permit in Estonia

To open an Estonian residence permit, on average, you need to spend about half a year. This period includes preparation of documents, waiting for the reception in the authorities, consideration of the application, production and delivery of the document to your country. With a residence permit you can move to the country, extend it, if there is still a reason to live in the country, after 5 years to request a residence permit card, and after 8 years - citizenship by naturalization. You can obtain a primary temporary residence permit on the grounds listed below.


Shareholders of local companies, sole proprietorships and startup entrepreneurs can obtain a temporary residence permit in Estonia. The amount of capital in your possession must be from 16 000 EUR for sole proprietors or from 65 000 EUR when buying securities of operating organizations. You must also have a monthly income of 600% of the subsistence minimum - 1200 EUR in 2024.

For start-ups it is important to obtain approval from a special commission, which checks whether your innovative plan of the company corresponds to the development of the Estonian business environment. You need to earn an income of 800 EUR per month and own a share in the company you plan to start. Businessmen enter data about the company or sole partnership in the commercial register, which is confirmed by documents.

Investing in the economy

The right of residence in Estonia for a five-year period is granted to those who are ready to invest EUR 1 million or more in a local company or investment fund. It is also important to have a monthly income of 6 times the minimum subsistence level (1200 EUR) and not to withdraw funds while the residence card is valid. At the same time, as a sponsor you can change the final recipient of your investments, for example, redirect them to another company, without the risk of losing your residence permit. The fact of investment of funds must be confirmed by appropriate documents.

Official employment

To move to Estonia for a residence permit in the long run can those, who will get working contact with a local company. You can only get a job if the organization has been looking for employees among the citizens of the country and the EU, but no one is interested in the vacancy. There are also annual quotas for immigrant employment, which is monitored by the local unemployment fund. You need to prove that you have a diploma and experience in your specialty, as well as pass a medical examination.

You will be granted an Estonian residence permit only if your salary is 2100 EUR per month or more (the national average). Simplified conditions apply to representatives of certain professions, such as teachers, athletes, artists, accredited journalists, church ministers. They do not need to get approval from the unemployment fund, and the expected income can be equal to the minimum income in the country (from 820 EUR per month). In any case, the fact of employment must be proved by a relevant contract.

Family circumstances

You can move to Estonia if you have close relatives with a local passport, residence permit or permanent residence. Reunification is approved for legal spouses, minor children (or a child over 18 if they require guardianship), parents and grandparents (provided they are incapacitated).

You need to have a subsistence level income - your own or that of an inviting relative. Also, your family member must provide you with a place to stay. You need to confirm your family ties with birth/marriage certificates. The reunification procedure is initiated by the inviting party from Estonia.

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If you study in Estonia for more than a year, you can apply for local residency. Educational institutions vary from school to university. Educational residence permit is also granted to trainees and those who participate in international exchange programs. It is important to have means for self-support in the amount of 800 EUR per month (1000 EUR - for minors) and to know the language in which the education will take place. It is possible to work with restrictions provided that it does not interfere with studies. The procedure for establishing residency is initiated by the host university by applying to the police authorities.

Humanitarian reasons

Estonia provides international protection to those who fear persecution at home, and this is justified by objective circumstances. For example, you are threatened in your home country on religious, racial or political grounds and your country does not take any measures. Refugees may be residents of countries where hostilities are taking place, such as migrants from the Middle East. In practice, not every application is approved. Applications are examined by law enforcement agencies on a case-by-case basis, and if the case with evidence proves unconvincing, the application is rejected.

Other grounds

The right of temporary residence in Estonia is also granted for:

  • participation in scientific research if sufficiently qualified;
  • working as a religious worker at the invitation of a recognized church;
  • internal translation in an international company with an Estonian branch;
  • an extended paid mission trip in a local organization;
  • participation in a volunteer mission without receiving a salary.

In each case, the reason for the move must be proved with appropriate documents, e.g., an invitation from an Estonian scientific institute or a sheet of a seconded employee.

Citizens of the European Union have the right to reside in Estonia for an unlimited period of time. You can apply for an EU passport on the basis of ethnic or territorial affiliation within a period of 8 months or less, and you do not need an income certificate, language certificate or prior residence abroad. Immigrantinlaw lawyers will explain the details of the simplified program during a free consultation.

How to get Estonian residence permit

You can count on residency in Estonia if you have a reason for moving to the republic and you can prove it with documents. The following are also mandatory conditions:

  • health insurance;
  • being over 18 years of age or having written parental consent to move;
  • having an income to support your residence in the country;
  • registration of residence after the move;
  • no criminal record and no entry ban to Schengen states.

After obtaining an Estonian residence permit, you are obliged to actually reside in the Republic, adhere to the norms of the local legislation, and conduct only those activities that are stipulated by your type of immigration document. The process of applying for residency status looks like this:

  1. Document preparation.
  2. Making an appointment at the consulate.
  3. Submission of the dossier.
  4. Receipt of residence permit.
  5. Moving and registration of a place of residency.

Preparation of documents

To apply for a temporary residence permit in Estonia you will need:

  • an autobiography form with basic information about yourself and your family members;
  • a personal request from the first person, drawn up in accordance with a common format;
  • health insurance policy;
  • passport for traveling abroad or its equivalent;
  • a color photo that was taken in a period of up to 6 months;
  • receipt for the payment of an administrative fee;
  • proof of a regular and sufficient source of income;
  • proof of immigration grounds, e.g., work contract or university certificate.

The dossier must be completed with notarized translations into Estonian, if applicable. Additional documents depend on the reason for your relocation.

Appointment at a consulate

If you are abroad, you must apply for a residence card at the nearest Estonian diplomatic mission. You need to find the contacts of the consulate or embassy and make an appointment. You should prepare the documents listed above by the appointed date and make sure that you meet the conditions for issuing a residence permit. Those who are already on Estonian territory can apply directly to the Police and Border Guard Board by appointment.

You can only apply for an Estonian residence permit in person, as you will need to be fingerprinted. You will not be fingerprinted if you have already passed this procedure within the last six years. Your request will be processed within 60 days. If your application is approved, it will take up to a month to produce a resident card. If the procedure is conducted from abroad, you will additionally have to wait until the residence permit is delivered from the republic to the relevant consulate or embassy.

Residence registration

All Estonian residents, including temporary residents, are required to have a residence registration. When you arrive in Estonia, you must immediately register your place of residence in the National Population Register. You can do this online if you have local digital documents (e-residency), in person at local authorities or by mail. If you live in a rented apartment, you will need a free-form registration permit from the landlord and your rental agreement.

The city or regional government will review your application within ten working days of receipt. If there are no further questions, your residence registration will be entered in the Population Register. If you change your place of residence, you will need to go through the procedure again to update the information.

Health insurance

To open a residence permit, you will need to obtain a European health insurance policy valid for the duration of your residency status. The minimum amount of annual coverage is 6,000 EUR. The document can be issued online, choosing a suitable company by reviews, prices and services offered. The question should be considered carefully: for example, some policies cover the services of specialized doctors, while others do not.

Language courses

Estonian is the official language of the republic, and it will be very difficult to live in the country without mastering it. A residence permit can be opened without a language certificate, but it is worth improving your level of knowledge at least to A2, i.e., basic spoken language. In some cases, language courses can be paid for by the state, for example, within the framework of the refugee program or temporary protection. Estonians usually understand English too, but it is not used in everyday communication.

Refusal to issue and revocation of residence permit

If you do not meet at least one of the conditions for the issuance of an Estonian residence permit, your application may be refused. The application is rejected if the immigration quotas for the current year have been exhausted. Those who make mistakes in the documents, are recognized as persona non grata in the republic, have been previously found guilty of violating the laws and rules of stay in the Schengen zone are rejected. If you are suspected of hiding the true purpose of your move or concealing important information about yourself, you will not be granted residency.

The right to reside in Estonia can be revoked if you are suspected of crimes against the state. The document will be revoked if it turns out that you have issued it with a false dossier or fraudulently. Residency can also be revoked for violations of the conditions of its use (if you did not register in time in the country or use the residence permit for purposes other than those for which you received it, for example, illegally working instead of studying at a university). Decisions of migration authorities can be challenged in court, but in practice this rarely leads to approval.

Renewal of residence permit

You can renew your residence permit if you still have a legitimate reason to live in Estonia. It is necessary to apply in person to the police at least 60 days before your current migration document will be expired. You pay the state duty, submit the documents (as in the case of the initial opening of residence) and wait for a reply. The decision is issued to the authorities at least 10 days before the expiration of your current right of residence. Renewal of the residence permit is approved for a maximum of 10 years and an unlimited number of times.

You can apply for permanent residence status after 5 years of continuous residence in Estonia with a residence permit. It is not enough to comply with the residency period alone: you also need to learn the national language up to the level B1 (spoken), take out health insurance and prove that you have a regular and legal income to support yourself. The residence permit is valid indefinitely and practically equates you in rights to the citizens of the republic. You can get a passport after 8 years of residence in the country. Multiple citizenship is not allowed: you will have to renounce your current passport in your home country in favor of an Estonian one.

It is much faster to get all the rights of an Estonian citizen without renouncing your native passport under simplified immigration programs of the European Union countries. Immigrantinlaw lawyers provide detailed information during a free consultation.

Cost of registration of residence permit

In order to obtain the right of temporary residence in Estonia, you will need to pay administrative fees, use the services of a notary, translator, and specialized lawyer. The final amount of expenses is individual for each situation. The basic values of the state fees are presented in the following table.

Category of expensesPrice, €
Primary residence card (general)64–95
Delivery of residence permit to your embassy20
Change of the place of issue of the document10
Renewal of residence permit64
Residence permit for work96–125
Residence permit for business160–190
Family types of residence permits31–60
Notary services10–12 per page
Translation of documents12–15 per page

It`s possible to minimize the costs and shorten the period of immigration to Estonia by contacting Immigrantinlaw migration specialists. A specialized lawyer will draw up a personalized action plan for you to successfully immigrate to an EU country.

About the author

Diane Weber is an international law specialist with 10 years of legal practice experience. Her portfolio includes successful stories of citizenship in different European Union countries under simplified procedures. Diana provides detailed advice and helps many people to achieve their immigration goals in a short period of time, including resolving visa issues, assisting in obtaining residence permits and citizenship in the EU countries. In her blog, Diana Weber enjoys providing readers with detailed information about the features of most popular programs for obtaining a second passport.

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